Outdoor Wanting to grow auto's in weastern nc

Jan 23, 2017
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Hello everyone nice to meet u all I am wanting to try auto's in weastern north Carolina can anyone help me with what strain would do best here in the south and what soil mixture would do best here thank you to anyone who is willing to help
Just about all of the Mephisto Genetics lineup should perform well indoors or out in the mid south ... what's your purpose for growing ... gonna try to grow a forest or just a couple plants ... either way it's best to start slow. Generally after a grow or two a grower can expect 2-4 oz of bud per plant sometimes more ...
I want to thank you guys for responding to my question I want to apologize for not mentioning that I will be growing outdoors and that I have grown outdoors with regular seeds for several years but have never tried the auto's just wanting to try and beat the eyes in the sky this year if you no what I mean. I was going to start out with about 10 and see how it goes the relative humidity here is 70% or higher here in June and July when they will be flowering and the average high temperature from may through August is 75 to 85 degrees and the lows are any where from the low 50's in may to around 65 in June July and august the average rainfall here is 3-4 inches per month. Again thank you for trying to help every bit is much appreciated.
I want to thank you guys for responding to my question I want to apologize for not mentioning that I will be growing outdoors and that I have grown outdoors with regular seeds for several years but have never tried the auto's just wanting to try and beat the eyes in the sky this year if you no what I mean. I was going to start out with about 10 and see how it goes the relative humidity here is 70% or higher here in June and July when they will be flowering and the average high temperature from may through August is 75 to 85 degrees and the lows are any where from the low 50's in may to around 65 in June July and august the average rainfall here is 3-4 inches per month. Again thank you for trying to help every bit is much appreciated.

Sounds very similar to my outdoor conditions...the biggest struggle will be the 70%+RH throughout flowering. Here is a guide I wrote that is quite well suited for you considering similar climate! https://www.autoflower.org/threads/...owing-under-the-sun.56402/page-5#post-1288176
Thank you 912greenskill your guide was awesome the amount of detail that you guys put in you posts is unbelievable thank you again for the help with the questions that I have asked. After reading you post on you outdoor grow Mr 912greenskill I started really exploring the afn website posts and this place is awesome I have learned a lot about alot of different aspects of growing auto's and I think I have kinda of changed my mind on my grow. I was just going to grow outside but since reading your outdoor grow and knowing that I would have to start my plant indoors for probably 30 days like you I have decided to try a indoor grow as well I have a 4x5 closet in my house that is not being used I was thinking of buying 5 of the auto cobs from big smo and some 5 gallons super root air pots. I was going to follow TaNgs feed secudule and grow auto girl scout cookies a Brooklyn sunrise just like he did in his awesome post. Do you guys and gals on afn think that this can be a successful grow this will be the first ever indoor grow for me. I no this is not all of the stuff that I will need for my grow so if anyone can give me any more suggestions on what I need for my grow I would greatly appreciate it
Hey @Western nc I live in the same conditions as you my humidity is a little higher than yours but very close and I have great success with dragon crosses and highrise auto fire99 and many others I will have to check some notes and see if I can find out all the strains I have grown outdoors.
Thank you 912greenskill your guide was awesome the amount of detail that you guys put in you posts is unbelievable thank you again for the help with the questions that I have asked. After reading you post on you outdoor grow Mr 912greenskill I started really exploring the afn website posts and this place is awesome I have learned a lot about alot of different aspects of growing auto's and I think I have kinda of changed my mind on my grow. I was just going to grow outside but since reading your outdoor grow and knowing that I would have to start my plant indoors for probably 30 days like you I have decided to try a indoor grow as well I have a 4x5 closet in my house that is not being used I was thinking of buying 5 of the auto cobs from big smo and some 5 gallons super root air pots. I was going to follow TaNgs feed secudule and grow auto girl scout cookies a Brooklyn sunrise just like he did in his awesome post. Do you guys and gals on afn think that this can be a successful grow this will be the first ever indoor grow for me. I no this is not all of the stuff that I will need for my grow so if anyone can give me any more suggestions on what I need for my grow I would greatly appreciate it

Doh...the last thing I want my guide to do is sway you from growing outdoors!! So the 30 days start...its not imperative that you start them that way, especially if your temps are warmer than mine. I have to start them that early so I can get the harvest time I want(July), and miss the cold weather that wold be sure to stunt the plants. Generally an indoor grow will be easier as long as your indoor climate is close to optimum. Most guys are indoor growers here, and you will have ample help for your closet grow.
Good luck bud!

Hey @Western nc I live in the same conditions as you my humidity is a little higher than yours but very close and I have great success with dragon crosses and highrise auto fire99 and many others I will have to check some notes and see if I can find out all the strains I have grown outdoors.

OH man!! I have been waiting for you!! I am very keen on hearing how the Dragons and other portal seed, and Highrise autos have done for you outdoors!!
Sorry Mr 912greenskill I would never try to make you mad sir for you are a
Master grower you have just opened my eyes to something bigger thank you kind sir
Sorry Mr 912greenskill I would never try to make you mad sir for you are a
Master grower you have just opened my eyes to something bigger thank you kind sir

Oh no, not mad at all bud! :D Good luck with your grow indoor bud! Always grow whatever method or climate you have available, you think will get the best results. Please tag me if you decide to have a journal. Take it easy