New Grower Waira's Main course of HighRise with a Side of Sweet Creme's....


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Mar 11, 2013
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fine-ass '22 harvest!
:smoke: Hi everybody! Here we are, for round 2, my second auto* grow... This time, I chose to try HighRise gear, from our in-house breeder Cres! If you're not familiar, there are many fine grows documented here of his superior products, some of the finest out there at any price,... for what you pay at RCMC for these great genetics, it's a absolute steal! High 5.... check the grows out and see for yourself... incredible! Also, I'm including the seeds left from last grows' order snafu, Sweet Seeds Crème Mandarine, and a Crm. Caramel; these are also excellent strains from a much respected company, who now have their own section here dedicated to their gear- a must see! In fact, as a badge carrier, my Crm. girls will have a separate thread just for them, so the focus will be largely on the HR girls, but you'll see the Sweet girls in pics, but with minimal commentary on them here,.. I'll save that for their thread!

This is the lie-up from HR, 2 each:
-> Ghz/C99/C99
-> MoB*- (not an auto)

:check: Other data that matta':
-They're outdoors, mild climate
- 3 & 5 gal Smart pots
- soil: (starter) Happy Frog; (main) Roots Organic; set up with a pocket well of HF surrounded by RO; seeds planted just after cracking w/ early shoot
-Nute's: still tinkering with brands, but so far for veg'ing- Botanicare Pro Gro (3-2-4); just bought and soon to be tried- Sea Grow Fish fert. (5-1-1); Grow Power A-P (4-8-2+2% humic acid); for blooming- Sea Grow Bloom(4-24-24) not tried yet, new to me as well; FF Tiger Bloom (2-8-4)
-Supplements: FF Big Bloom, Superthrive, GreenAll Iron+, FF Microbe brew; water spreader (Romeo brand); good ol' Molasses (Brer Rabbit)
Soil has had a few doses of microbe inoculant, and about 1/4+ strength fert.'s started 2 weeks ago, and ramping up; superthrive used twice weekly so far but will taper off as flowering progresses; molasses 1/week @1T/gal, usually with microbe brew; 1 shot of iron foliar... I will blend ferts during transition to flowering, by at the moment choice/conc.,....

-> germ' rates 8/8
-> MoB's were in pots 6/12
-> the rest 6/14
:dance2: Here they are at about 1 month.... The C99 crosses have sexed already, dang it, as I was hoping for several days more growth, to node-up a bit more, you see, they're still pretty small and not far along growth-wise,... GhzD look like they're close to as well...*sigh* -nothing can be done, but hope for the stretch to put some size to them!



004.jpg006.jpg<-Ghz/C99/C99- one on right was chew up some by a rabbit :cuss:, but she's come around okay now, and the rabbit- snuffed!- by neighbors' cat! WTF is that


009.jpg008.jpg<-Crm. gals- older, in pots 6/5, all sexed @ 4 weeks... more details at their thread! I'll see about putting links in my signature later...
Thanks and stay tuned!
styles rasta neighbor, I'm so psyched to see how your GhzD/C99 and MOB do, as they are on the top of my list short list, for my next order at RCMC, now that the Dragon Mix Freebies are back in stock. Hop digity
Well actually I'm looking forward to your whole second grow with Autos.
Sending mega growing karma your way my friend.
I've decided that I am not even going to mess with Autos outdoors next year.
Already planning on a second indoor tent/grow cab for me Autos.

-Ghz/C99/C99- one on right was chew up some by a rabbit :cuss:, but she's come around okay now, and the rabbit- snuffed!- by neighbors' cat! WTF is that
Now that is some funny *****, I don't care who you are.:D

I like your plant markers, I have some just like them. Man you sure can get a bunch of them from a party cup aye.Cool:

Well, I've had my first fire plug sitting in the dark for, well it will be 48 hours tomorrow morning, I may get a massive 2 or 3 grams off of her dried, but it can only go up hill from there right, right.:shrug:

I love the title of this thread, as much as your first one. You are one funny cat, and always bring a smile to my face, or a laugh, which is so needful with my constant pain level Thank You
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I ran a few Highrise autos(Ghaze x c99, Ghaze/diesel x c99) in my greenhouse this season, your in for a real treat
all produced fine herb that smells and tastes divine, nice & potent to boot.

All the best
Stickbro} Thanks, neighbah! :smoke: I'm not sure how soon the Mob's will sex, so I'm hoping they stay veg' on me for a while still,... they certainly are building up quickly! That's great news about the Dragon mix getting restocked already :brow:... ooo! I saw MoBxC99 there too!... not auto, but fast (of course!); man, could that be more tasty sounding?! LOL! Well, as you read, the C99 crosses just couldn't wait to get sexy, so I'm not expecting them to get near as large as I hoped for,.... the GhzD's have sexed now too, but they're mini-types by design, and are still growing nicely... I'll get new pics up in the next day or so....
Since you have a nice tent, and have even nicer results from it, I don't blame you for shining outdoor auto's.... save you energy and resources for more phat HR Gear! It sounds like there are some great pheno's mixed in many of his strains, and are likely to get something a bit (good) different on occasion! **** LOL!! yeah, that crazy old cat Spartacus! I had just stepped out to scope the plants, and had bocked the rabbits path to it's under-house lodgings, and he had heard me from the other side of the fence, and came scrambling over to say "hi" (he's gotta be 12-13 y.o., lived by us his whole life; we call him the 'community cat!')...... he came around the hot tub, into view of the vermin, and the poor sot made 2 steps my way, then for some odd reason headed toward an up-ended wheel barrow... and froze! Spartacus saw the least chance, and swooped it's ass in a flash! LOL!- couldn't believe my fortune! so, I gave him a nice pat, as he paused for a second to show me his prize, before he bailed over the fence again to get his snack on...! Gooood Kitty :twist: :D *** take that shorty down, Stick! let it dry over several days if you can, to let the 'death chemistry' a chance to go down,.. maybe paper bag it if the H% is low... I did just see the PM about this!... *** Thanks Stick, feeling's mutual! I've noted to X and Jm the formidable task you undertook, with the health issues to boot (for the both of you), and how impressive your skills are in steering the wild ride you've strapped yourself onto, in a first grow!... They know too! Cheers, mate! stylez rasta smoke
Hey, Rae! :tiphat: Thanks for stopping by, and spreading the gospels of HR! Have you found the killer pics of HR grows here? Whoa!! LOL! There's no contesting the results and reports on the smoke, by folks who are not easy to impress! Did you grow indoors, or out?... and what kind of size did you get from them? .... :wiz:
I would consider myself a canna connoniseur. I have been to Amsterdam and in 5days spent 1g just on canna, wanted to try every strain I could get my hands on... WAS BEST VACATION EVER, also my OLD DEALER (not no more :dance: ) knew the grower, so he always knew the names of the strains I would buy ($45 an 1/8, for the "top shelf" dealers stash was $60 1/8,needless to say Mr. dealer made TONS of $$$ from me the past 10 years. So I would say I know my weed. ;)
On those merits I have GOT to say the ghaze x c99 and the diesel x c99, if brought from the dealer would have been $60 an 1/8. It is that GOOD! Was in a canna frenzy (completely zoned out for a few weeks!, besides the havoc I was causing ALL OVER in my life, due to that 24/7 zone I put myself in, couldn't keep my hands out of the jar). You are MOST DEF. in for some SUPER GOOD TREATS! They also finish real quick 60-65 and your good!
Can not wait to watch the rest of this!
Sending you one big :gthumb: karma cloud your way!
Dose the mob look to be flowering?
Hey, Boss Cres! :D Those gals are still looking very veggy so far, which is great, since they're growing at the fastest pace yet... but it's been a couple days since I had a close look, so in tomorrow's update I'll post what I see; one has a nice red-ish blush to the early growth... As you read, all the C99 crosses flowered at about 3 weeks... the first to do so out of the 12+ strains I've tried (all outdoor), so I was caught by surprise when I saw the crown getting that compacted look to the new leaf arrangement- these gals mean to get down to business quickly, I guess...-LOL! ...I wish I knew how I could have got them a bit bigger by that time,...I was hoping for another week, like the sweet crew did, which would have made a big difference... I did start a test feeding, 1/4 conc. at about 2 weeks, and all responded well, so they got another round 4 days later, and have been stepping up to 1/2 strength since every 4 days... At this point as well, the MoB's are getting N favored feedings, but the rest are going to start getting a blend that's fairly balanced; all get molasses at least once a week... Any feeding insights for me guys? :brow: ...thanks!
... A little pre-update troubleshooting... I have what looks like a fairly sudden flare-up of Ca deficiency...Stones slap A while back, I sprayed a foliar Fe (plus others metals) shot onto the plants, on a foggy day, which (Murphy's Law) when I went away from home, cleared quickly on me before the plants dried enough, and I got some moderate lensing burn from droplets- very small tan necrotic spots, that, as the leaf grows, tends to look a bit worse; Most all the plants had this, 2+ weeks ago; on a couple other plants though, these spots became more spread out, and into new areas, so that was my first warning something else was starting beyond what I knew was from the initial spotting; it's progressed rapidly over the last 36 hours, on 1 Mob and 1 Crm. M., with slight signs on a couple others, but not any of the other HR gals... Sooo, it seems prophetic, that I recently read that MoB needs extra Ca, if not Mg also, and now I have this very issue... I thought I had the bases covered okay on this before: some extra dolomite in the Roots Org. soil, molasses often, and a water mix of tap/RO @ about 140ppm.... :shrug: appears not! So, I gave a dilute foliar spray mix of 3-2-4 Botanicare, Fe/Mn (et al), molasses @1 tsp/gal, and Superthrive....we'll see if this is enough, or if I need to go blow $ on Ca-Mg specific sup's.... What do y'all think?
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yep... cal mag for sure... more cal....

I use egg shell... lots....

but you need to correct now and egg shell s slow...

I wouldnt lime too much... youll mess up your biology...

maybe foliar with 1/2 tsp molasses and 1 tsp epsom to a gallon of water...

and also use 1 tsp molasses and 1/2 tsp ep[som salts for a watering... give it through leaves and soil both... at this point as the plant builds frame Calcium demand soars... as does potassium.
