Waira's (a journal bum) Late Start Auto Tent and Outdoor Photo's thread....

:bighug:EOF, great to see you my man! ...thanks for popping by,... I'm spread a bit thin this year, lagging at me own thread no less to say nothing of so many other's :face: :rolleyes2:...
~~~{{{ update time }}}~~~​

:toke: hey mates, looks like I spaced my duties here :baghead:
---- Oh well, nothing of great interest missed that isn't better now!
Might as well pick up with current stuff...

I can't believe it's mid Sept. already! :nono: ... holy crap, another late start in blooming, some just really getting going now... gotta hope they have some finish speed in them, like those Doors x Orig. Haze did last year :coffee:
We has a hot week meantime, not that bad at the site but the shits inland! Daily watering though, a PITA but whaddya gonna do hey?!

Had a right proper battle with caterpillars this year, more activity from them than usual! ...makes me worry about the fucking bud worm population this season :cuss:....It's quelled though now, part of the problem was the Bt bottle seemed to have lost a lot of viability, so I snagged a freshie and it, plus a hit with spinosad + Azamax busted that party up!

Meantime budding is really starting to spread out in timing, never had a crop so late or with some so far behind where they should be... OPP, Something Good and Trainwreck are waaay ahead of the rest. I'd sat SG will be first in, OPP next, TW a couple-few weeks out yet... The others looking late Oct. for sure....

>>> Orange Push Pop ...getting close...
>>> C99auto x Punto Rojo F3 - I have two girls! :yay: ...last to show sex was the male, oddly.... They will stay here now, since no auto's showed, and get new shoes to finish. The heat and lack of direct Sun at home made for some goofy looking stretch, but they're looking very happy otherwise... Like Legend, I'm really hoping the auto in them makes for speedy blooming, which I pray starts soon FFS!
