~~~{{ update time }}~~~

Photo's started finally!.... First to break the surface is a DOHz no less, petite beans with strong shanks it appears; half a days soak, then sowed and less than 2 days later it's up-

As of this morning, 8/8 are above ground so no need for re-do's!
I'm doing a new MO on germ'ing: all get a sandpaper/nailboard scuffing, along the seems and split point, not just the case surface. They go into a soak soln. which is made with 2oz low ppm water (mix of RO + filtered tap) + 2 drops SI, kelp extract, and a tiny bit of fulvic acid... If they're older or large, tough cased seeds, a drop of wetting agent goes in too... So far this year out of about 24 seeds only one failed to germ', crack and stall... about half showed first cracking after that overnight soak!
All are in 32oz styro's until they stack several sets of leaves, getting a quick start in the tent for a week or so, then they get hardened off to ambient T and light hours. After that it's into their stage 1 pots (5gal) until they're getting a bit of squeeze on them, then into final 10'ers with fresh KIS soil. This second batch I'm planning on amending differently; less KIS nute pack, more of something bloom oriented like a bulb food for NPK#'s... I have to figure out what P source is going to work best for pretty fast release. Steamed bone meal, rock Phos', guanos, the latter being the fastest I think?
... Timing is still uncertain for the final transplant, but I'm think a couple weeks or so before estimated start of blooming... I'll just have to wait and see how they react to the 5er's, the plan being to stunt them some to keep sizes smaller this round, and finish with less fuss than last year when I went directly into 10's... They blew through the nutes in those before bloom

, and were a real PITA to finish well! Literally the opposite of what I wanted -LOL!
The auto's are cruising along fine, nothing much to report there....
>> S99v6
>> White Crack
>> Zamadelica