Indoor Vlad's Multistrain Mud Massacre.

Mcat pish hated it love a bit ching like use say if it's free or if it's a special occasion I'll buy a gram of pure but I'm going to try my hand at growing shrooms not the UK home grown ones but golden teachers

Yeah Bailey, I've been thinking about getting a couple of kits myself. It's easy enough, my mate (in our shared mad house) used to grow Mexican red caps in a bucket in his bedroom. They were amazing.

Until we ran out...

My idea.. (I used to be a bit crazy)

We boiled up the medium.. A mix of shroom roots vermiculite, soil and other chemicals.. Strained it, waited for it to cool and downed a pint each.

I went first (kamikaze test pilot Vlad), swallowed the lot. Vermiculite has a very strange taste... Kinda like its burrowing into your tongue.. Anyhoo, as soon as it hit my stomach I puked the lot into the kitchen sink whilst saying to my mate Muz, "DONT DO IT!"

So he did! He kept it all down tho..

It did the job... Not too nice on the guts tho! [emoji23][emoji23]

Happy memories.. [emoji38]
Yeah Bailey, I've been thinking about getting a couple of kits myself. It's easy enough, my mate (in our shared mad house) used to grow Mexican red caps in a bucket in his bedroom. They were amazing.

Until we ran out...

My idea.. (I used to be a bit crazy)

We boiled up the medium.. A mix of shroom roots vermiculite, soil and other chemicals.. Strained it, waited for it to cool and downed a pint each.

I went first (kamikaze test pilot Vlad), swallowed the lot. Vermiculite has a very strange taste... Kinda like its burrowing into your tongue.. Anyhoo, as soon as it hit my stomach I puked the lot into the kitchen sink whilst saying to my mate Muz, "DONT DO IT!"

So he did! He kept it all down tho..

It did the job... Not too nice on the guts tho! [emoji23][emoji23]

Happy memories.. [emoji38]
I have been thinking about a shroom kit myself. You know any places online that are worth a try.
Talking of recycling stuff.. [emoji2]

When we were young and skint there was a bunch of us who used to get together in the evenings after school/college/work and smoke bong. Solid.. Mostly soap bar and fags, blended together in a tobacco tin and rammed thru a home made bong.

Hoover pipe-bottle-hose pipe and the 10mm socket out of everyone's dad's tool kit (sorry dad) RUFF AS FUCK!

Anyhoo.. If we ran out of pot and money, we'd strain the bong water thru a tight (sorry mum) dry it out, add another fag and smoke it again! [emoji23][emoji23]

It tasted like shit but it worked.. [emoji31]

Blimmin kids eh?
Talking of recycling stuff.. [emoji2]

When we were young and skint there was a bunch of us who used to get together in the evenings after school/college/work and smoke bong. Solid.. Mostly soap bar and fags, blended together in a tobacco tin and rammed thru a home made bong.

Hoover pipe-bottle-hose pipe and the 10mm socket out of everyone's dad's tool kit (sorry dad) RUFF AS FUCK!

Anyhoo.. If we ran out of pot and money, we'd strain the bong water thru a tight (sorry mum) dry it out, add another fag and smoke it again! [emoji23][emoji23]

It tasted like shit but it worked.. [emoji31]

Blimmin kids eh?
reminds me of the old roachies when we ran out all the old ends mixed together tasted of shit but got you stoned :smoking:
was looking into that myself but thanks to that new bill you will have to look up spores for research just having a blimp at salvia online haven't had a good trip in a long time :pass:

You can still get it all sent in Wilee!

My cellar would be perfect for this.. Dark, damp and a bit mouldy.. What more could a mushroom ask for? [emoji2]
Talking of recycling stuff.. [emoji2]

When we were young and skint there was a bunch of us who used to get together in the evenings after school/college/work and smoke bong. Solid.. Mostly soap bar and fags, blended together in a tobacco tin and rammed thru a home made bong.

Hoover pipe-bottle-hose pipe and the 10mm socket out of everyone's dad's tool kit (sorry dad) RUFF AS FUCK!

Anyhoo.. If we ran out of pot and money, we'd strain the bong water thru a tight (sorry mum) dry it out, add another fag and smoke it again! [emoji23][emoji23]

It tasted like shit but it worked.. [emoji31]

Blimmin kids eh?
Hahah. I remember droping a lil bit off to some peeps and they had a bottle on the go, you know spliff in it and a shoot hole brew half the spliff n hit it in one. Well i was dropping off green and had the bottle thrust in my face i hit it and nearly died. It was a spliff made from the scrapings of a bottle that had been hammerd for months. Well it was fuckin rank and made my head spin like fuck.