Live Stoners Virginia is for Growers

Bruce Campbell

The Real Bruce C
Cultivators Club
Aug 13, 2021
Reaction score
Hi all,

Just joined the forum.

My state just legalized home-grow last month, so I figure it'd be stupid for me to not start growing. Besides a miserable-yield no-clue-what-i'm-doing closet grow 20 yrs back in college, this will be my first real attempt.

In the initial planning / purchasing stages right now. Here's what I've got coming so far:

- 4x Blueberry AF
- 2'x4' Gorilla tent
- Phlizon CREE COB Series LED - 2000W (400W actual)
- 2.2 Gal Air-Pots
- FoxFarm Ocean Forest
- Coco Coir Starting Pellets

Next steps are planning out ventilation / control, and figuring out soil / fertilizer details. A lot of the info online seems to range from "we want to sell / upsell something" to "we just copied this from another site" to "this is what you need for a 20+ plant grow room." Need to sort through it all and apply it to a 4-plant legal set-up...

My understanding is FFOF should be good enough on its own for the first few weeks, so I have some time to figure out specific nute needs. Not planning to do any amendments this first go around (if FFOF even needs it).

Ventilation-wise, I think I'll try without an outdoor exhaust at first. I'll still have some carbon filters and be ventilating the tent, but exhausting to the overall room at first. With four plants / 400W LED, I think that should be good enough, and I can condition / dehumidify the larger room if needed. If worse comes to worse, I'll add one of those semi-permanent window kits for a clothes dryer vent and vent outside.

Control-wise, there's enough standard off-the-shelf equipment and controllers for growers out there now. Maybe eventually I'll finally get around to learning how to DIY my own Arduino / microcontroller-based system. But, that would come during later plantings if at all...

Looking forward to learning from y'all, and thanks in advance!

@KDawg welcome to AFN.
Glad to meet another new member.
Good luck with your grow.
sounds like you are on the right track.I’m also in VA just started back growing on the first of July. Iam also trying to stay within the Law.
I have my first legal grow here on the site if you want to check it out

Gorilla Glue first legal grow
It’s in the photo sensitive grow area.
I live in in the MD-DC-VA area, in the MD suburbs of Washington, DC. Maybe someday, those of us locally can get together and meet -- to swap, trade, etc. (e.g., with gifting of cannabis legal in DC), show off, discuss, etc. our growing.
George Washington did record the practice of separating hemp in his own diary: "Began to seperate the Male from the Female hemp at Do.&—rather too late."
Donald Jackson, ed., The Diaries of George Washington (Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1976-1979), 1:340.
Martha was brewing up the cherry bounce moonshine and George was growing Sensi outback. That’s our founding father. :thumbsup:
Welcome, fellow Virginians. @KDawg @Cave Dirt Cody @Sleepy T

As you guys start journaling your grows, please do tag me in your threads. Would love to see em.

Happy growing!

Thanks Ole!

My journal's over here - (First Grow - ILGM Blueberry Indoor). Just planted seeds today. No pics yet :p

I think Sleepy T's a bit delayed - he had some light issues. Showed up damaged and he had to send back / order a new one.

Cody's journal is here (Gorilla Glue first legal grow).

Any other Virginians out there?
Very Very Virginia here! Need to have one of these young guys teach me how to make a grow diary lol.
Black Strap from my 2 favorite breeders
Pez Dispenser from The mend man
Blue Berry- Growers choice (have regerts)
Oregon Wine from Wavy and the sweet Bee in OK