Very bottom leaves curling bigtime

Keeping them evenly hydrated at all times? Looks like the plant is trying to avoid something with that type of curling. Maybe water loss. Also, Im not sure you would want to add too much more aeration to ffof or HF... Maybe something to loosen them up because they are generally heavy soils, but not pure aeration imo. You need all the organic matter in there you can get, and adding extra aeration just leaves less dirt in the pot.

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@Tom Bombadil yea, the pot was as light as it’s ever been. In trying to get a wet/dry cycle, I let her get too dry. I gave her a good water and will have to go by weight from now on, I thought the leaves would tell me but not to that extent, I was just waiting for them to droop a little bit. Anyways, thanks a bunch…I appreciate it
In trying to get a wet/dry cycle, I let her get too dry.

Wet/dry cycles are counter-productive in organic soil. In my humble opinion, its best to shoot for an evenly hydrated soil, otherwise you may be needlessly killing off a lot of the good critters that help feed your roots. Droopy leaves are never a good thing, unless the plant has met its DLI quota for the day and is resting. Just remember, roots cant grow into dry soil and more roots = more froots :eyebrows:
Don’t ask me I still ask or guess when it comes to issues! I’d post this into the infirmary thread cuz u will have the most help from people who are much more experienced then me! @Mañ'O'Green can maybe help u out here or a staff can maybe make it easy and move your thread to the right spot for u!
If u have a dimmable light I’d spend $5 and download Photone app! Can get ppfd numbers and then dli for your plant so it’s getting correct amount of light a day! Also if u don’t wanna have to go off weight of pot this was $15 and def works!
that’s good to know…I’ve been sitting here wanting to water them but see so much on overwatering that I was determined
Wet/dry cycles are counter-productive in organic soil. In my humble opinion, its best to shoot for an evenly hydrated soil, otherwise you may be needlessly killing off a lot of the good critters that help feed your roots. Droopy leaves are never a good thing, unless the plant has met its DLI quota for the day and is resting. Just remember, roots cant grow into dry soil and more roots = more froots :eyebrows:
good stuff Tom, thanks. When I am aiming to achieve evenly hydrated soil, once she is not in danger of overwatering since she is drinking more daily now, Can I just water daily…near to runoff?
If u have a dimmable light I’d spend $5 and download Photone app! Can get ppfd numbers and then dli for your plant so it’s getting correct amount of light a day! Also if u don’t wanna have to go off weight of pot this was $15 and def works!
View attachment 1406224

Thanks I have a light meter but it is in lux, I’ll have to do some homework…I’m sure I can convert. Yea, I bought a little meter like that and it’s a POS. I came across a manual one called the “soil sleuth” that I’m going to give a try. Thx
that’s good to know…I’ve been sitting here wanting to water them but see so much on overwatering that I was determined

good stuff Tom, thanks. When I am aiming to achieve evenly hydrated soil, once she is not in danger of overwatering since she is drinking more daily now, Can I just water daily…near to runoff?

Im using #7 cloth pots and I top dress and do mostly water only so I aim to keep the top dress hydrated under the mulch and I bottom water a bit too. Usually a little every day. This last run has been a bit different since I added some fresh rice hulls, but generally I feel the weight of the pots to see if they need a little water. I want the worms to get up into the top dress so keeping it inviting is a must. Watering frequency will vary with composition of soil plant size and climate.