New Grower Vegasbear's Noob Growing Adventures

A little music for your morning.

Goldfish - Moonwalk Away
So what is the significance of putting them in the fridge to dry? The cold just slows it down?
I've only ever hung them up clothesline style
So what is the significance of putting them in the fridge to dry? The cold just slows it down?
I've only ever hung them up clothesline style
From the hundreds of pages I've read, slows drying and preserves the more volatile terpenes lost during hanging, and results in a much better end product. Takes some of the issue out of trying to hang dry where its single-digit humidity, too. We shall see.

This is all about experimenting, after all.
First Grow - Day 72 - HG WW x California Snow Auto
Day 72

Both got plain RO water today because nutrient burn. Lol.

HG Gelato (Photo) & Linda Fat Blueberry Auto Day 16
Day 16.

Murphy is an asshole! I broke one of the babies training her. Bummer.

Not the end of the world, sometimes learning processes suck. Gonna half-manifold her for 4 colas if she lives.

Cleaned the big fan leaves off the others.





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HG Gelato (Photo) & Linda Fat Blueberry Auto Day 17
Day 17

Res change day. Per gallon:
5ml Sensi Bloom A&B
5ml CalMag
5ml Silica Blast
2ml Hydroguard

Plants bouncing back from having their big fan leaves pruned, and the one-legged girl doesn't seem to notice that she's broken. Whew.


We enjoyed some nice scissor hash and named them. You can tell we were toasted.


My better half was less than amused at our stupidity, which made it funnier, and now they've stuck.
Side note: After baking a plate covered in evaporated scissor hash resin in the oven, don't lick it to see what it tastes like. You'll end up way way way more stoned than you thought.