New Grower Vegasbear's Noob Growing Adventures

Well, I started painting the room today. I sucked at staying inside the lines and it was WAY too much work for me to try doing while still recovering from whatever mystery illness has been slapping me down these last two weeks.

Ill be pulling the trim to put down flooring and I'll repaint it then, I suppose, and all the drips and run-overs with the roller will cease to exist. Lol!

That said, the paint came out so very green. Pretty sure this is why the better half doesn't allow me to do the interior designing.
I tend to remove inward facing fan leaves that are blocking bud sites as well as weak shooters in the shade and any little fellas trying to flower in the dark attached to the main stems... those will tend to throw male flowers late in the game
Fastbuds Green Crack - Day 55
Day 55

Whoa. The back two took a LEAP! Meanwhile I haven't gotten to trimming the others yet, just totally exhausted by whatever is kicking my ass right now.

A little bit of nutrient burn showing at the leaf tips so dialed feed back from 9ml/gal to 8ml on the A&B.

Fastbuds Green Crack - Day 59
Day 59

Front right plant got a significant defol last night and I backed feed down to 8ml of A & B per gallon.




As you can see the front left plant didn't even notice the haircut she got earlier in the week and still needs some cleaning up. Back two are still untouched. Also the front right girl is a week ahead of the others, at least. She won't get any further trimming at this point. The different speeds that these ladies are moving along at is interesting - all have pretty similar phenotype expressions though.
Fastbuds Green Crack - Day 62
Day 62

Dear diary, it appears that two of my plants have created their own space program, because they're shooting for the moon! Holy cow! Back right girl is at 30" and needs a hefty trim, but I'm sorely tempted to leave her untouched for science. If i can keep my idle hands away from the trimmers...

I'm thinking the addition of the 2200k light coupled with two of them being late bloomers caused the biggest girl to explode.



Fastbuds Green Crack - Day 80
Day 72

Still got some tidying up to do.

Just for reference none of those leaves high up are light bleached. They're the same healthy green outside the tent as all the rest. The 2200k autocob is so intense that that's the reflection of it off the leaves.

@Tom Bombadil
Looking really good!
I might be a little worried about the plant under that super bright spot tho. Watch out for foxtailing, male flowers, and possibly a longer finishing time.. At least that's what Ive experienced with excess cob intensity. Its still early enough to put a screen or scrog net across that tall section and level them. out with the other plants. Just a thought... I used to be a scrog guy :cools: