Photoperiod Veg Amnesia og,Canadian cheese,Skywalker og and Blue dream

Ughhhhh I coming to the time I find the hardest. I just switched to Overdrive at the what I think is the right time. Breeders says 9 to 10 weeks for harvest and I switched at 7weeks but everything I read says it takes up to 2 to 3 past breeders recommended flowering time. witch makes me question if I started the overdrive to early lol. I can say that even though I'm in my 7th week the flowers are swelling on the Amnesia Og for sure and I think it appears the trichomes are starting to go cloudy and pistils are starting to turn orange. So I think it was the right time for them at least but if it is this would be contrary to the wait 2 extra weeks past the recommended time. The odd thing is I have amber trichomes as well and it seems to early for that. Meh lol I find harvest time hard to judge lol I will have pics coming with in the next few days :D

Happy growing peoples :D
Picture time woot woot

Amnesia og just entering the 3rd day of week 8.

Has anyone ever had bad smelling buds? Like not moldy but like bad breath and horrible just gross smell. I've scoped all the buds and no sign of mold. Just the worst smell ever lol if anyone has any experience with this your input would be greatly appreciated. Thanx people's :pass::biggrin:
The biggest Amnesia is getting a bit saggy lol


The tent behind the plant is a 3 × 3 and the blue bucket is a 12 litter. So the are pretty descent sized. I'm at least happy with them. One thing I regret with this grow is flowering a week after I topped the big plant. Really wish I had waited at least two weeks if not three. I figure I cut my yeild pretty substantially this go due to the various problems or mistakes I made. Despite this though I will be a better grower for it so it's all good :D
I'm going to be cutting the Amnesia tomorrow. I'm hoping to get some pics and they will be the second last pics of this grow journal. I'm hoping to do some pics of the final weights of each strain I had. In the case of the Amnesia I'm going to do final weight of each plant :D