Hellooooooooo again AFN....over the last hour or so, I got really really bored, so I started rummaging around the hoose and moving stuff about, making mess and getting into trouble with the missus for making said mess
and I happened to re-discover an old hood I bought and never really used....it's a double CMH 315w hood with 2 separate bulbs and power lines, which means to use it....I would require 2 x CMH bulbs and 2 x CMH ballasts to run....which I happen to have
Noice!....so, when I finally get my new tent set up, should be soon, I am gonna set up this double hood with a Philips CMH veg bulb in one side and a Philips CMH bloom bulb in the other and set the timers so they do 10 hours each....for the 20/4 light schedule......good idea, right?......or AFN......I did have another idea, which was that instead of 10 hours of one then 10 hours of the other, I could overlap the middle 2 hours....this would shorten the light schedule to 18/6....but the middle 2 hours would be at 630w...I could of course adjust it so it's still a 20/4 schedule but that means more electric used and I am trying to avoid that......so when set up, I would have 8 hours of veg bulb then 2 hours of both bulbs then 8 hours of bloom bulb!!....Noice eh?.....I am thinking that by doing this, I would be simulating a full days sunshine in my tent....bright and sharp blue-er light in the morning/first half....then the 2 hour overlap of both which would be like the mid-day sun, then the red-er bloom light for the second half of the schedule....what do you think dudes?.....or am I just a stupid idiot? Haha.....let me know AFN.