Indoor Vapo's Vivisection section.

Hello again here..:eyebrows:..just so everybody knows....I will be returning to my usual way of growing in the next week or two...Noice!
...and for anybody who doesn't know hehe....that means topping, chopping, hooking, pulling and generally mangling the ladies to my will out Dragonfruit!!
Hello again here..:eyebrows:..just so everybody knows....I will be returning to my usual way of growing in the next week or two...Noice!
...and for anybody who doesn't know hehe....that means topping, chopping, hooking, pulling and generally mangling the ladies to my will out Dragonfruit!!

Oh yeah. Top 'em, Supercrop 'em, Lollipop 'em, all the training. :pass::headbang:
Oh yeah. Top 'em, Supercrop 'em, Lollipop 'em, all the training. :pass::headbang:
Ooooohh my dude, they are gonna get it, my fingers are itchin' and twitchin' for some action after 3 ladies grown nearly normally hehe...thanks for stopping in gromie :thanks: :bighug:
Hellooooooooo again AFN....over the last hour or so, I got really really bored, so I started rummaging around the hoose and moving stuff about, making mess and getting into trouble with the missus for making said mess :cuss: :cuss::crying: and I happened to re-discover an old hood I bought and never really's a double CMH 315w hood with 2 separate bulbs and power lines, which means to use it....I would require 2 x CMH bulbs and 2 x CMH ballasts to run....which I happen to have :eyebrows: Noice!, when I finally get my new tent set up, should be soon, I am gonna set up this double hood with a Philips CMH veg bulb in one side and a Philips CMH bloom bulb in the other and set the timers so they do 10 hours each....for the 20/4 light schedule......good idea, right?......or AFN......I did have another idea, which was that instead of 10 hours of one then 10 hours of the other, I could overlap the middle 2 hours....this would shorten the light schedule to 18/6....but the middle 2 hours would be at 630w...I could of course adjust it so it's still a 20/4 schedule but that means more electric used and I am trying to avoid when set up, I would have 8 hours of veg bulb then 2 hours of both bulbs then 8 hours of bloom bulb!!....Noice eh?.....I am thinking that by doing this, I would be simulating a full days sunshine in my tent....bright and sharp blue-er light in the morning/first half....then the 2 hour overlap of both which would be like the mid-day sun, then the red-er bloom light for the second half of the schedule....what do you think dudes?.....or am I just a stupid idiot? Haha.....let me know AFN.
Hellooooooooo again AFN....over the last hour or so, I got really really bored, so I started rummaging around the hoose and moving stuff about, making mess and getting into trouble with the missus for making said mess :cuss: :cuss::crying: and I happened to re-discover an old hood I bought and never really's a double CMH 315w hood with 2 separate bulbs and power lines, which means to use it....I would require 2 x CMH bulbs and 2 x CMH ballasts to run....which I happen to have :eyebrows: Noice!, when I finally get my new tent set up, should be soon, I am gonna set up this double hood with a Philips CMH veg bulb in one side and a Philips CMH bloom bulb in the other and set the timers so they do 10 hours each....for the 20/4 light schedule......good idea, right?......or AFN......I did have another idea, which was that instead of 10 hours of one then 10 hours of the other, I could overlap the middle 2 hours....this would shorten the light schedule to 18/6....but the middle 2 hours would be at 630w...I could of course adjust it so it's still a 20/4 schedule but that means more electric used and I am trying to avoid when set up, I would have 8 hours of veg bulb then 2 hours of both bulbs then 8 hours of bloom bulb!!....Noice eh?.....I am thinking that by doing this, I would be simulating a full days sunshine in my tent....bright and sharp blue-er light in the morning/first half....then the 2 hour overlap of both which would be like the mid-day sun, then the red-er bloom light for the second half of the schedule....what do you think dudes?.....or am I just a stupid idiot? Haha.....let me know AFN.
Sure mate, go for it.. :thumbsup:

and by the way, I definitely noticed a difference in both plants after stripping.. more white pistils and a little fuller bud structure..
They might have gotten a little scared after the strip but I'm betting they will recover and are going full blast soon again!