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Hello some great pics for today's update...mainly the Seedstockers GSC really, bcoz they are out of step now...I didn't need to feed the Euforia...I just set her ties again and that was it's week change here at happy town, so the SeedStockers Rucu Cucu and Thunder Banana have hit week 11 :yoinks:...the Dutch Passion Euforia and SeedStockers GSC hit week 5 today, which by my feed chart, is the last week of Veg nutes for them....woo!...and lastly the Dutch Passion CBD Blackberry Kush newbie hits week 2....first pic is a lineup of the nutes I am using for the might notice that I use small bottles of some adds, and I am using a very basic version of Dutch Pro's complete range, the reason for this is simple....I am poor!
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...the first SSSC BLD has breached her plug, hope the root pouches come 2moz...
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....this is how I found her today...
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..couple of b4 and after pics of removal of the inside leaf...
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...below are some pics where you cans see how the leaves have began to overlap...
View attachment 1471421 I took a side pic, so you can see how the inside leaves of the side stems, will grow and become shaders in no time at all...View attachment 1471422
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..and below is the finished article, ties tightened, leaves cut...all the potential heads now have access to the beautiful light my Philips is throwing down on them...Nooice!..
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..and finally a tent shot...
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..stay safe all... @Antonio_DutchPassion you might like these pics dude!
Master at work :worship:
Hello up, one on the way....I hope...:woohoo:
Hello AFN....made two absolute d**khead stoner mistakes today...again I learned NOT to smoke a doobie before I feed :crying::crying::crying:...I mixed the feed for the wk 10 ladies in my tent and gave half of it to one of the wk 4 ladies before I realized...bah! I had to mix some wk 4 feed to wash thru it to make it ok-ish lol...and I can't remember the other one??....oh yeah!!....put the seeds in with no root pouches....AGAIN aaaahhhhhh....when will I learn?....anyway, I had to put them in plugs again...d**m! :muahaha::muahaha::muahaha::muahaha::muahaha:View attachment 1470132View attachment 1470133View attachment 1470134View attachment 1470135View attachment 1470136View attachment 1470137View attachment 1470138View attachment 1470139View attachment 1470140View attachment 1470141View attachment 1470142
..I love the close pics of one of the seeds, where the root has already come out.....amazing stuff...SSSC BLD on the way soon...thank you for the rep btw @Antonio_DutchPassion :d5:
I've done that a good few times more than id like to admit bro feeding my veg plants flower food seedling feed of 1.2 ec I've done it all my bro
I've done that a good few times more than id like to admit bro feeding my veg plants flower food seedling feed of 1.2 ec I've done it all my bro
Who knows bro? day it might be a genius discovery we find out from a mistake hahaha :crying: :bighug::pass:
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Hello some pics from the tent today...moved ties up and took potential shaders from SeedStockers GSC and Dutch Passion Euforia....both are health as can be and strong...
Hello AFN :d5: ...I am at stage that I love with all my ladies now... beginning, middle and end hehe....while I was out, I popped in and took some ariel shots for you....
First up is SeedStockers Thunder Banana.... advanced stage lady who I think didn't like the training too much as she stayed quite small, week 11 for her fed and spread her out a wee bit....

Second is SeedStockers Rucu Cucu same week and same treatment...

Next is Dutch Passion Euforia....nothing for her today...

...and same for the Dutch Passion CBD Blackberry Kush...
IMG_20220615_174738980.jpg up is SeedStockers GSC, again a rest day for her....

That's it....more soon..
Hello AFN...:toke:...I am MEGA impressed with my Dutch Passion Euforia and the SeedStockers GSC....both are strong, vibrant and nearly symmetrical...added 4 new ties to each and took a couple of leaves...had a misfire with one of the SSSC BLD so I am gonna replace it with a Zamnesia Cherry Bud...