Grow Mediums Valentino First DWC Journal

Jul 12, 2016
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Hey guys,

this is my first post ever. Its going to be my second grow now. I finished 3 autoflower plants in soil with just water and some nutrients and just 6 CFL lamps... I was learning and still learning.

I decided to modify a cupboard i wasnt using and start a DWC grow since i have seen so many amazing journals using this method and it will help me learn more about this amazing plants
I added 2 Exhaust Fans, a big one bringing air in and the smaller getting rid of it. Its normal bathroom fans.
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Also added the lamp rod i was using on my last grow until my MarsHydro LED 300W arrives and then i will get rid of the rod and add the CFL lamps on the side of the cupboard for extra lighting.
And 2 DWC buckets, a DIY one and an OXY Pot i found.

I will be using advanced nutrients ph Perfect.
My 2 autoflower germinated and are in their rockwool cubes now, i will post picture tonight.
one is northern lights and the other one blue cheese.

Hope i learn more and get any help i can from you guys.

Best Regards,
Hey Valentino

Interesting setup you have there. Might want to think about modding it so you could take off the top if you want to. Especially with dwc, are the strains you after growing smaller strains?

Usually you want the big fan as the exhaust up high. The intake can be smaller especially if powered and it would be best down low. Nice thing about auto's is you can just open the doors if needed.

I take it smell probably is not an issue for you? I despise rockwool, I like GH rapid rooters better, Coco with pre charged nutes and already pH balanced.

If you are in the US or Canada you can get a product called sm90 to use in your res and help inoculated against bad bacteria that lead to root rot. Might be hard keeping water temps in line during summer otherwise.

I take it you have a pH pen and ec/TDs pen already?

Anyway, cheers on your first diary.
Btw i found Ph perfect temperamental at best with Autoflowers but it would depend on what exactly your using in what amounts etc some weeks depending on what i'm running it works fine even with a different brand of silicon (not rhyno skin) and cal-mag+.this is just what I've learned while using it myself others may/had have had different results. Use very very little of it to man especially under LED.
Thanks for the replies guys.

I live in an island of Europe where people haven't heard of hydroponics so most of my nutrients etc i had to ship them! Fortunately a hydroponic shop opened lately about an hour away so i will ask them for SM90 and GH rapid rooters.
I have a pH pen and waiting on the ec/TDs pen to arrive
As far as my ladies goes, unfortunately due to my inexperience with rockwool when i transferred one of my germinated seeds to it, i kinda squeezed it and the taproot snapped, so i am germinating a new Northern Light now.

I am also planning on ordering some autoflower from Dutch Passion, i see some amazing results from everyone who grows one of their autoflowers.
Yeah rockwool is a bitch, doubt you'll get sm90 over there. You can also used for grade h2o2 or other brands of res treatments.

Nice thing about your experimentation is you'll be ready for Coco next[emoji41]

Any brands of coco rooting cube pre charged with nutes if possible, maybe peat, some guys do well with those
Little update and question

My dutch passion seeds will be here on saturday and since i messed up with the rockwool i will wait and grow the dutch passions with rapid rooters.

Also another bump in the process, i cant seem to be able to contact the seller of my Mars Hydro 300W. I opened a dispute against him on ebay and will get a refund soon.

My question is, should i buy 2 x Mars Hydro 300W or 1 x Mars Hydro 600W ? The price is the same.

My growing cupboard is 102cm wide, depth is 45cm and height is 150cm (1.02m x 0.45m x 1.50m), I am only planning on growing 2 plants at a time, maybe one big plant after a couple of grows.

What do you suggest?
That's too bad the problem you're having with that eBay seller. If you can figure out which ones are the actual direct from the manufacturer lights that's your best bet.

But, for a cupboard your size I think I would go with two 300 Watts would give you the best footprint coverage in that space. I don't know if those have one or two fans but a lot of guys upgrade their fans to get something that runs quieter and cools better. I should think that'd be a good idea in a Cupboard.
I got my Dutch Passion seeds a couple days ago but I think I might start them around the same time as you so it might be fun.
I have a lot of experience with tbe MarsHydro 300w( mine were the better 170w model). Two of them is the way to go for your set up. It will allow you to mount them for best coverage that you cant get with a single fixture.

Also just a little advice......there are no small DWC plants. My last plant in a 3.5 gallon bubble bucket DWC was over 36 inches wide and almost 36 inches tall! You dont have the control of the plant size in hydro like you do by pot size in soil.