New Grower vacumn ?

Nov 1, 2014
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Tangie,sweet tooth,blueberry,green crack, mexican air
I know this should be in the curing thread but not much activity there so i posted here. Forgive me.
Simple question for those in the know
Will buds still cure in jars if i vacumn them ?
Once my buds are in the 60's humidity wise, could i vacumn them and have them still cure or will this stop the cure do to not much air left . Which is what im thinking but im no scientist.
Thanks in advance.
I wouldn't recommend that Method as being Air Tight and the buds not completely cured you may run a Risk of Mold with not being able to Burb a Bag every now and then once desired Humidty is Reached.
Ok thanks guys so then once my buds drop below 60 and the cure is done ( i dont use the packets ) i vacumn, which is what i've been doing.
I got to many jars for the humidity packs.
Used to freeze my bud but now just vacumn them and keep in the dark.
Seems to work ok, i got bud from over a year ago and still tastes good.
Thought with the lack of air theyre wouldnt be mold and maybe still cure.
Thanks again
Hey, if it slows the cure, wouldnt that be a good thing for long term storage ?
Boy am i thinking outside the box.
Must be high !!!!
I'm thinking the same as you oldcoot, I cant see it harming it but on the other side....Jaring it hasn't got a shelf life really as far as I know and it keeps improving the flavor of the smoke. Only ever jarred it by the way.
I put my own grown in 1/2 gal Wide Mouthed jars along w/ a 60gm - 62% Boveda ... I prefer weed that is at least 4 months cured so once it hits that point, I stop burping and start vacuuming ... I then pull a slight vacuum on any jar I'm going to keep closed for more than a few days ... It slows the aging process by reducing the oxygen ...
Thankyou guys, thats what i was thinking., I cant keep my moisture that high for 4 months without the packs though.
I just keep checking them and once they drop below 60 i vacumn them up and maybe pop them open once every couple weeks, shake them around a bit and reseal.
oh thanks chester.