[USA] Frost Bros Genetics (Q3 2022)

  • Day 20 Skunk Autos

    I Finally got my final result of female plants in.

    Out of 8 seeds planted i got 2 females, i got 1 failure to pop and and 5 males.

    Here is my newest female, she was 3-4 days younger than my other female but i am having them both on day 20 for ease of data logging.

    She is in a DWC 7 gallon tote with 2 airstones that are to strong but doing a great job i think..


    And here is another male i killed, feels bad man

    my autopot girl
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    Early Flower
  • Day 34 Skunk Auto

    Sorry for another post but wanted to get the early veg threadmark locked in. and the overnight growth in her new tent was nice to see.

    I went to add 100ppm of megacrop and whoops.. added 200-300 to much, went from 650ppm to 900ppm. i don't have any RO or rainwater to dilute and not feeling like going to home depot for my RO system today. I think she can handle it if she tip burns i'll dump some 250ppm tap water in there later tonight or early morning tomorrow IF any tip burn, doubt it tho she is big and i think she can suck it up and use it, we shall see.

    When i get my 2nd Pulse from another weekly raffle win from the other week I'll add that sucker in here so i can see the RH/Temp/VPD. If it is anything like the sister tent it is 77-80F lights on 69-73F lights off, RH: 45-60% lights on less lights off a tad more.

    Budding up more now so I'm saying this is Early Flower everyone! enjoy some skunk pics (again) :vibe:


    Mid Flower
  • Day 53. Indoors continue to degrade but will definitely make it to a harvest, buds are fat and dense already. The tent is getting just the lightest cannabis smell upon opening

    Greenhouse ladies, these will be harvested weeks after the indoors as they are slower to develop in the greenhouse.

  • Day 2, Sour Skunk auto ...and as the crowd begins to get up from the bleachers and pretend to forget their half-eaten hot dogs and empty plastic overpriced beer cups, Rasterman shows up a distant last, sprinting determinedly towards the finish line like he thinks he's in the lead....

    Correction: five seeds. Hopefully that means three females. I covered them with cups and put them under a 10 year old budget light my wife uses for an ivy plant. Just until tomorrow, because they'll be going into a flowering closet until they're ready, and the lady in there went to bed already.

    The seeds were breaking open a little bit after a two-day soak, so I know they're germinating.

    I haven't given up on the other seeds, either. I've been keeping the top layer of soil moist without overwatering, and there's no reason for them not to sprout, unless maybe the heat during the day and the cool temps at night. But like I said before, I'm growing out several volunteers that didn't sprout months ago. So I'll be patient for a while longer. :cuss:

    Edit: One seed did have a tiny tail and the others were about to push tails out.
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    Mid Flower
  • Day 52 Skunk Auto

    I decided to cut off more leafs for the last time until harvest to open the top up a little more for some lower hidden buds.

    I like how dense and fat the buds are forming and after cutting off 20 or so leafs i had a smell on my fingers, smelled good but can't place the smell yet but she finally has some smell being activated.

    I overfed her today but once again testing the waters to see how she responds to 1350ppm@6.2ph (350 is tap) i can always dilute the res if i see issues :thumbsup:

    Here is after her haircut




    Here we have a single bladed leaf sticking out noticed a few of them while clipping leafs.

    Before pictures

  • SSA day 6:

    One sprout put out a tail and died. Probably the Miracle Gro. Another one is out and healthy. The third one is still wearing its helmet, but I'm sure it'll be fine. The last two haven't surfaced yet.

    Seedling days old
  • Well here I am. Late to the party but here none the less. I’ve been really looking forward to growing some of these. I’ve got two in a 5 gal felt pot filled with a mix of soils and some recycled soil as well. As always with an auto I hollow out a red cup size hole and fill it with seedling mix so the seeds don’t hit the hotter soil right away. I put the seeds right into some damp soil 8 out of 10 so far in this start not bad and they’re looking good. I prepare the pots with some benes and liquid bone meal and soak them well let sit for a week.
    Feed will be Nectar For The Gods, I use the Roman Regimen which is basically the kitchen sink approach. I’ll also be using MagAmped for my Mg needs, SLF-100 always use this stuff, and benes like URB, recharge, Photosynthesis +, and teas. I make a pretty good AACT type and I’m trying a packaged product too. Using the microbulator for brewing the teas.
    Lighting is by Cultiuana they are generously sponsoring me for a show and grow. 660 Watt bar style light. Nice light too!
    I made this to kick off the grow!
