UPDATED. More pics. Getting worse Mephisto grow Organic leaves turning yellow and rust spots in flower

The ppm fluctuation in the reading is normal. That's why I was saying to dump out the first few cupfuls of run off. The first bit of run off is not a true run off reading.. It's just loose water.. The higher numbers sound legit. It takes a little time to saturate the root zone and get a good reading. A high ppm run off usually happens when plants get bottled nutrients with every watering. If you flush, flush until the ppm readings are in a good/normal range. Make a gallon of what ever you normally feed, then check the ppms of that. This will tell you how to adjust your feeds going forward. For example, if the nutrient mix has a ppm of 1000, then you can probably cut the doasge/ml used, in half. Checking the ppms of your feeds will save you a lot of future head aches. But it sounds like you are on the right track to finding/addressing the issue!!
Thanks for all your help! Really appreciate it. I now know where I have been going wrong. And all this time I thought it was a ph problem or deficiency’s.

Thing is. I flushed last night. But I don’t think I done enough. Would it hurt them to do another flush today and make sure everything is out?
I dont want to end up with black ash and nasty tasting smoke. I’ve been there before and it isn’t nice.
Thanks for all your help! Really appreciate it. I now know where I have been going wrong. And all this time I thought it was a ph problem or deficiency’s.

Thing is. I flushed last night. But I don’t think I done enough. Would it hurt them to do another flush today and make sure everything is out?
I dont want to end up with black ash and nasty tasting smoke. I’ve been there before and it isn’t nice.
That's what we are all here for, a little help, lol.. Back to back flushes can cause plant shock. If the final ppm readings were 1300ish.. I'd flush until the ppms are around 500-700.. I try to do this is one day, but if it takes a few days to flush the ppms to a low number, that's fine too. Just do a "lite flush" by only using enough water to drop the ppms a bit. A little each day shouldn't shock the plant..
That's what we are all here for, a little help, lol.. Back to back flushes can cause plant shock. If the final ppm readings were 1300ish.. I'd flush until the ppms are around 500-700.. I try to do this is one day, but if it takes a few days to flush the ppms to a low number, that's fine too. Just do a "lite flush" by only using enough water to drop the ppms a bit. A little each day shouldn't shock the plant..
I agree now on any plants that have 3 4wks left don't flush to much so as not wasting nutes but phroph is on da money.
I grow meph almost exclusively and what I’ve noticed with my promix organic soil is i can barley amend it with worm castings or I end up with slight n-tox ! I don’t feed my girls anything until about the 2nd or 3rd week of flower and even at that point it’s only 1/8 the recommended dosage! Plants fade out at the end that’s a given but excessively is an issue! I may pale up a few lower leaves buts that’s about it. Seeing bud sugar leaves yellowed and crispy really sucks! Try going lighter on everything next run and I think you will be surprised at how the “less is more” applies to Mephisto Genetics.
Also remember mephisto uses a super soil and this could be why they are more sensitive to large amounts of nutes simply bc they were bread that way almost like they have been selected for plants that need the least amount of nutes. I've also noticed when I run my super soil amendments I almost never have problems but when I was using advanced nutes they wouldn't be as happy and I would almost always have a problem even within the 450ppm to 500ppm range so just remember to go low and slow and u will knock it out of the park.
...this could be why they are more sensitive to large amounts of nutes simply bc they were bread that way almost like they have been selected for plants that need the least amount of nutes
A really important point @Fitzy . The strains we have available have all been through many generations of both deliberate and incidental selection by breeders. Nute sensitivity may well be one characteristic, as you suggest. Another, for example might be germination temperature. The important bit is that, even if germination success at higher temperatures was not being deliberately sought by the breeder, consistent use of higher germination temperatures would select for it anyway. Selection of a characteristic does not have to be deliberate to be strong.
A really important point @Fitzy . The strains we have available have all been through many generations of both deliberate and incidental selection by breeders. Nute sensitivity may well be one characteristic, as you suggest. Another, for example might be germination temperature. The important bit is that, even if germination success at higher temperatures was not being deliberately sought by the breeder, consistent use of higher germination temperatures would select for it anyway. Selection of a characteristic does not have to be deliberate to be strong.
That's exactly right and some of the problem with all strains even rare dankness found a 6%cbd plant within the ghost train haze when prior cbd results were under 1% and he's been breeding and such for at least 10yrs with that strain and never got or saw this pheno before and only reason he found it was simply bc he was able to dedicate a large room to specificly pheno hunt so even in a strain that has supposedly been stabilized it produces different things and that's in a 100% every little thing controled environment. It very interesting but that's how we ended up with all them different strains in the first place they all came from 1 plant many years before people just the Jamaican lambs breath that was a native African strain but over the years has fully adapted to Jamaica an now looks nor smokes like any African strains like mushrooms sub species of cubenis ect
I grow meph almost exclusively and what I’ve noticed with my promix organic soil is i can barley amend it with worm castings or I end up with slight n-tox ! I don’t feed my girls anything until about the 2nd or 3rd week of flower and even at that point it’s only 1/8 the recommended dosage! Plants fade out at the end that’s a given but excessively is an issue! I may pale up a few lower leaves buts that’s about it. Seeing bud sugar leaves yellowed and crispy really sucks! Try going lighter on everything next run and I think you will be surprised at how the “less is more” applies to Mephisto Genetics.
Same here bro. That’s all I’ve been using for my last two cycles and I’m not stopping. Amazing quality.
I do actually have some super soil that I made up about 3 years ago sitting in a massive tuB in the garden. I used the recipe inthe living soil book by the Rev. Thing is I think it will be to strong for autos so I haven’t used it. Feels a waste just sthere.
Do you think it will be too strong for autos? Il try and find the recipe.
That's what we are all here for, a little help, lol.. Back to back flushes can cause plant shock. If the final ppm readings were 1300ish.. I'd flush until the ppms are around 500-700.. I try to do this is one day, but if it takes a few days to flush the ppms to a low number, that's fine too. Just do a "lite flush" by only using enough water to drop the ppms a bit. A little each day shouldn't shock the plant..
Haha, still thanks man.
Flushed them all out now between 300-800 ppm. With my tap water sitting in 250 ppm. They don’t seem to be getting worse so that’s a good thing. Gonna give some a light feed next watering.
Yea, feeding every watering.
bio bizz states that you should use the feed for every water
same as what I have done for every grow. Im thinking of just watering my next water. Just some liquid guano and phed water. Nothing else. im so very confused. It’s doing my head in seeing them get worse and worse

To top things off. One of my bulbs blew last night. So now I’m using and old one lol

I use biobizz in soil and always ph nutes to 6-6.4..... I am not sure bat guano is reccomended during flower..... apparently it is too rich in nitrogen for this stage of growth.[/QUOTE]
I use biobizz in soil and always ph nutes to 6-6.4..... I am not sure bat guano is reccomended during flower..... apparently it is too rich in nitrogen for this stage of growth.
Il definitely make sure to ph from now on.
The liquid bat guano I’m using has a very low NPK value. Like 0.2 or something. Its made for the flowering stage