Indoor UnholyFire's Multi Strain Test Grow

:smokebuds: lovin the pics my good man.

keep it growing green bro.
Good luck with the Dr Feel Good's, my 2 did not auto and are yet to flower. They never exploded into fast growth but each week they just look a little healthier than the week before. Tomorrow they will be 70 days. I think mine will be 3 more months before harvest.
i like the shot that shows your cfl configuration, it will help the new cfl growers build there own very effective cfl panel's!

So astro, you got the diy gears going and i thank you Perfect I went back and did a bit of measuring. I'm thinking if i go with a smaller size pvc pipe the light rack would go outside the tent frame. That would move the base of the light out more getting more direct light to the plant. Counting pipe, light fixture, & bulb base that's close to 4in of tent space under it. Not much but it gives me another project to do and might even improve on stde growth :peace:
Good luck with the Dr Feel Good's, my 2 did not auto and are yet to flower. They never exploded into fast growth but each week they just look a little healthier than the week before.
Sorry to hear about your dfg problems bud. Pics 4,5, &6 are of my first dfg. It's right on time @60 days. The baby dfg look same size as the purp cheese but only time will tell. Check out KUDO dfg grow to see it done proper:peace:
I did tnhave the auto problem with the feelyood batch I had either ....all autoed around 23-25 days ....i think he's got it down on the Feelgood now ....killer smoke too ...really makes u feel good love to try Kudos too lol ...he grew a monster ...
oh wow..!.. broo....your plants are to die for.. :thumbs:
my plants are growing just one straight line..
how did you manage to get yours looking like a xmas tree gone wild.. :bow: is it the strain?.. or is there a technique i'm missing here.. ? :D
i screwed up brother! i apologize for making a mistake! just call me numbnutz :o