Uk laws

Jun 5, 2020
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Not sure if this is the right place to post this. As most of you will know growing in the UK is illegal. I'm just curious as I've been watching YouTube videos and googling different things relating to growing weed.

I know it's not illegal to watch and seek information but is there a risk in doing so? can local police be notified of such searches or equipment ordered to my address?
Not sure if this is the right place to post this. As most of you will know growing in the UK is illegal. I'm just curious as I've been watching YouTube videos and googling different things relating to growing weed.

I know it's not illegal to watch and seek information but is there a risk in doing so? can local police be notified of such searches or equipment ordered to my address?
Your better buying anything online I feel than going to grow shops as I feel there bang on top for getting watched and any stuff your buying can be used for growing vegetables or any no of things indoor that's my opinion anyway
Also @matt6320 my best advice I'd say just keep your hobby as secret as possible as loose lips sink ships ect that and always keep the smell under control
Not sure if this is the right place to post this. As most of you will know growing in the UK is illegal. I'm just curious as I've been watching YouTube videos and googling different things relating to growing weed.

I know it's not illegal to watch and seek information but is there a risk in doing so? can local police be notified of such searches or equipment ordered to my address?
[/QUOTE authorities are very good in that what they do.just keep your grows on a low level just for your own consumption and probably they ll not make "you" their job.i think they looking more for dealers and bigger staff.usually
authorities are very good in that what they do.just keep your grows on a low level just for your own consumption and probably they ll not make "you" their job.i think they looking more for dealers and bigger staff.usually
You will prob not be watched for searching info online or id be in jail rt now. I live in states in an illegal state, if your not growing for large profit you should be fine. I dont know laws in uk so i might be blowing smoke...(lol) but, small grow+stealth+non-aroma+silence= personal stash. On another note, anything you do on a computer or internet is tracked! Just not by police.
youtube and laws etc.
youtube/goggle is the same thing,if it bothers you that much log out of goggle/youtube accounts.
use duckduckgo search engine (it deletes or dosnt remember anything) dont use goggle.
i dont have a vpn,i have a goggle/youtube account with umpteen playists of weed/hash/edibles/growing/plant problems/etc etc etc.
im not concerned,weed is the most illegal thing il be searching for.the police are so shit at catching online pedos theres about 10 vigilantee groups in uk chasing pedos on facebook that the police cant catch (lack of funds/being completely useless at the job etc etc) they dont have time
if it bothers you that much get a vpn £0-£20 a month then you and all the searching will be invisable...BUT bear in mind if police gain access to home and the computer in question then scientists will be able to read everything thats ever been on pc regardless of vpn or how many times the pc been wiped clean.
but then ya gotta ask yerself the computer/the 10 bag/the single plant/the full on pro grow op that will get you in the most shit.
it is legal to sell police radio scanners...its legal to buy police scanners...but the moment you use it ya breaking law.a bucket load of stupid shit laws like that in the uk,that the police arnt in the slightlest bit interested in checking online activity for.
the police have to abide by certain laws to ya know.they cant just hack yer pc in the hope you might buy various things that are legal to buty and be used legally.they need evidence first before putting yer front door in.
thats likely to be yer brother in law that cant keep his mouth shut after a drink,or that mate that turns into a big smoker when its other peoples shit.
short answer is no.
dont use social media,,or at least have 2 seperate accounts/fones/computers. dont go to grow shops,dont buy from private listings on ebay,just proper shops.stop txting visiting dealers.
half way up a dealers driveway when a police walked out front door hanging off hinges........oops silly me wrong house,its next door im looking for,turns corner and takes to my beaters.
on my way home from dealers,a car is tailing me............floor it,ankers on quick left quick left that got rid of them.
half way up another dealers driveway....hmmm every light in the flat is on,looks again,hang on theres no windows in the flat and theres ropes hanging from the roof ? fuck they sas it into the flat as the front door was plate steel with bars.
having been a user for donkeys years visiting semi known dealers,that have been busted 1-20 times over 20 sure my reg number and that of my mates are or where on police lists at one time or another.and if they have yer reg number thay got yer name and addy to.
sitting at the side of the road a scotter passes real slow does a u turn,comes back and chucks a bag of weed through me window.i thought cheeky fucker cant even say hello (probably as this is as dodgy as fuck) so i didnt wait for the second u turn,i just threw me folded up money out the window and drove off.
short ish answer is kerb all the shit that happens outside the home.
good luck n keep er lit