Morning all, I posted to the Seedstockers Limerick competition last night, woke this morning to find it’s been removed. Yes it was crude as the description on requirements for a limerick. Reading the posts many are far more graphic than mine…

Stinks of Corruption to me. :finger:
Morning all, I posted to the Seedstockers Limerick competition last night, woke this morning to find it’s been removed. Yes it was crude as the description on requirements for a limerick. Reading the posts many are far more graphic than mine…

Stinks of Corruption to me. :finger:

Let's have a look ^_^ see what happened.

Edit: Yeah i see. It got removed by the OP Global Moderator for being overly crude by the looks of things.
I'd maybe rework it a bit instead of going down the corruption route :rofl:
Thanks Blue, Much appreciated. :smoking:

I'll be honest... it's not easy putting these free competitions on .... one of the reasons that there are less these days is that most of the staff that "would" go to the effort, often get burned during the competition, and don't do it anymore .. or have moved on.

They mostly rely on common sense and good will from the entries .. and taking them in the spirit of AFN .

I say this because we can't possibly write every rule, to cover every eventuality - the first post would read like a contract .. and that would be so boring.

ManOGreens last line ... we all know about the man from nantucket .. dont' go there

I take that to mean ... keep it light .. keep it breezy and fun ...

Personally, i would just write a clean one in place of the old one. I don't think anyone is trying to rob you of a pack of seeds that there's a small chance that you may win :D
I'll be honest... it's not easy putting these free competitions on .... one of the reasons that there are less these days is that most of the staff that "would" go to the effort, often get burned during the competition, and don't do it anymore .. or have moved on.

They mostly rely on common sense and good will from the entries .. and taking them in the spirit of AFN .

I say this because we can't possibly write every rule, to cover every eventuality - the first post would read like a contract .. and that would be so boring.

ManOGreens last line ... we all know about the man from nantucket .. dont' go there

I take that to mean ... keep it light .. keep it breezy and fun ...

Personally, i would just write a clean one in place of the old one. I don't think anyone is trying to rob you of a pack of seeds that there's a small chance that you may win :D


Last night I gave my wife some Green Crack.
So strong it knocked her flat on her back.
As she lay on the bed,
She let her legs spread,
And said, "While you're there, how 'bout a snack?"

Blue how is this post acceptable and mine not? It stinks of corruption.

I appreciate your help.. blue.
Last edited:
Blue how is this post acceptable and mine not? It stinks of corruption.

I appreciate your help.. blue.

No worries, I Read them both a second time ... I also think yours is a different level. ^_^ I agree with manOgreen.

ManOGreen is the boss in there who's doing all the work and keeping the competitions going at AFN. - He put this together, and seedstckers are putting up the prizes and judging.

There's no corruption ... just moderation. If you write a clean(er) one and it gets removed for no reason .. i'm right on your side!!
No worries, I Read them both a second time ... I also think yours is a different level. ^_^ I agree with manOgreen.

ManOGreen is the boss in there who's doing all the work and keeping the competitions going at AFN. - He put this together, and seedstckers are putting up the prizes and judging.

There's no corruption ... just moderation. If you write a clean(er) one and it gets removed for no reason .. i'm right on your side!!

Hi Blue, would you be able to help elaborate a little more, on my post being another level? My use of possible words that could have been considered Crude are (Masturbated) (King Kong) and (Cockblockers) this is in the English dictionary
No worries, I Read them both a second time ... I also think yours is a different level. ^_^ I agree with manOgreen.

ManOGreen is the boss in there who's doing all the work and keeping the competitions going at AFN. - He put this together, and seedstckers are putting up the prizes and judging.

There's no corruption ... just moderation. If you write a clean(er) one and it gets removed for no reason .. i'm right on your side!!

Fair enough, thanks Blue I have reposted a new Limerick. Best wishes.
Hi Blue, would you be able to help elaborate a little more, on my post being another level? My use of possible words that could have been considered Crude are (Masturbated) (King Kong) and (Cockblockers) this is in the English dictionary

Fair enough, thanks Blue I have reposted a new Limerick. Best wishes.
I saw :rofl: