Tyrone Stomper (Tyrone Special x Grape Stomper OG), Space Dawg, and more.

Yikes on those critters....I don't know how pervasive they are...but would
spraying the bottom of the pot with mild h202 solution help?
@Trapper I replaced the old drip tray with a freshly bleached one already, but didn't think to peroxide. I will do that this evening, thanks!
Do you think your soil is infected? I guess you can drench your soil with water treated with mosquito dunks to kill some small creatures.
Mosquito dunks are being used now, along with a sprinkle of diatomaceous earth. @Trapper did some graphic design work for me a few months back in exchange for some Tyrone Stomper once fully auto, but other than that I haven't really thought about distribution. I did see @mephisto mention something about a 'friend's of Mephisto' category for seed offerings in the future, so I may be able to fit in there. That's not a main concern of mine at this point. I'm enjoying the process and getting intimate with the garden.

I am confused as hell. I keep seeing mention of week XXX at 12/12. Are these photos or you just running them at 12/12?

This is piquing my interest as I want to a photo AND a auto grow together.
@blessedinwashington These are photo periods on their way to becoming fully auto. The cross is Tyrone Special (Mephisto auto) x Grape Stomper OG (Gage Green Genetics photo) so they currently carry the auto gene as a recessive trait. This generation is fully photo sensitive, but the next generation should produce 75% photoperiod and 25% autoflowering from which I will cull the photos and select the autos for the following, fully auto generation.
