New Grower TxRebel 1st grow Gelato from Fastbuds

Hey hey hey! coming along nicely man! I did some defoliation too. Felt sick to my stomach about it for a couple days, LOL.
U think that’s bad I didn’t pay attention to tying open the satellite branches so wound up so skimpy I had to chop off all but 2 and 1 is so small I pulled all Bud sites from it so plant can still cannibalize the leafs on it when it gets later in life! Taught me a lesson for me 2 lil ones I got started in my closet!! They are tied open all over the place!!
Baby gelato
Thanks buddy! Knew there was another that it said u could swap for HH! Is it better to use one per feed and alternate or do them both 1/2&1/2 for what’s it says is HH amount on feed schedule? And my slf100will be here Monday to use with next feed!
This is really up to you, some don't want to use bonemeal at all and will substitute tt for HH completely. I run it 2 parts hh and 1 part tt for the last 4 weeks.
This is really up to you, some don't want to use bonemeal at all and will substitute tt for HH completely. I run it 2 parts hh and 1 part tt for the last 4 weeks.
Cool deal man! Just wondered! Got me slf100 n gonna order some recharge since bigfoots almost gone once my refund posts on amazon! I saw u use photosynthesis plus stuff! Does it help or what it for exactly?
Maybe? Is supposed to increase the overall biomass of the plants, while using 30% less food. I haven't run a side by side, maybe when I upsize my space. Plants do seem to be more vigorous overall, so I've stuck with it. It smells something awful, but that flashes away in about 10 seconds or so.
Maybe? Is supposed to increase the overall biomass of the plants, while using 30% less food. I haven't run a side by side, maybe when I upsize my space. Plants do seem to be more vigorous overall, so I've stuck with it. It smells something awful, but that flashes away in about 10 seconds or so.
Ok thanks buddy just wondered! Since ordered that slf100 stuff and gotta order some recharge since Bigfoot is almost gone so didn’t know if I needed some of that too or if helps more for u since using full line?!? Before last feed ppm got up to like 270/285 so cut back lil bit from the 150% n last feed yesterday both were back under 200 again! Does it need to stay at 150% or should I not worry about that target # and only worry if any deficiencies pop up! Would like to avoid that tho since won’t be much new growth for leafs!
Between checks I keep the level I'm shooting for. As the plant gets bigger, your meals will be to small, they'll burn thru that before you can feed again, let the ppm come up, above 5 to 600 would be time to think about an HH flush to tie up any salts.
I'm well into flower now, and sitting at 370ppm.
Between checks I keep the level I'm shooting for. As the plant gets bigger, your meals will be to small, they'll burn thru that before you can feed again, let the ppm come up, above 5 to 600 would be time to think about an HH flush to tie up any salts.
I'm well into flower now, and sitting at 370ppm.
Thanks buddy wanted to make sure! Noticed some leaf tips are just starting to start to yellow on the 1 further along I’m sure so can make it’s flowers for me but had to cut back to 1/2 gallon water but every 2 days now so may come up faster! Will see at tomorrow’s feed! Thanks for all the advice!
Yellow tips with this line is usually the beginning of underfed. Am sure you'll be fine, I have several that yellowed quite a bit while i was on my back last week and didn't do my job. Not expecting any issues, all still chugging along.