New Grower TxRebel 1st grow Gelato from Fastbuds

Thanks bud! Still having to help fimmed 1 out by tying it open so has room to grow up n out but bushwhacker is going on it’s own now! Just having to trim some unneeded undergrowth! Was that wise move to add DD to the seedling nutes so didn’t get shocked being moved under LED @Arthur? Yesterday was day 16 I believe so did 1/2 strength seedling regimen plus the DD cuz I moved to tent and LED is up for flowering to begin! Also are those the beginning of the puffballs u were talking about forming before buds? And if yes does that mean I should go to early flower nutes next time? Think only diff is Athena goes from 2tsp to 1tbsp and DD goes to 1-2tsp from just 1 for late veg?!? Thx señor
Barely beginning. I haven't switched yet.
Scott sent me an autoflower feed schedule that was a copy of 1 I got from the NFTG thread on another forum a while ago. I'm following it super close this round and my girls are loving it. I'm running the full sample kit using BK and I added Aphrodites. Good luck brother! Once you get the hang of this stuff its amazing! Peace out!
Thanks man! I been experimenting in my mixture for the little ones since got a small idea what each does for the most part! Got the grow bible too but lots of pages to scan on that! I’m running sample kit without using the BK tho! What’s the benefit/downsides to using that? @Arthur I’m sure u also know this answer and prob shared it but not sure where in these 80 pages it is?!? Thx y’all :shooty:
Oh and I got the same schedule from Scott for the sample pack and asked about adding some others like Aphrodites but was told prob smarter to learn those 6 individually before expanding collection!
Bloom Khaos...
Well, bk acts as a throttle for the rest of the lineup.

It is not required or necessary to grow great plants...


When used correctly, it will drive calcium into the plant at a much higher rate... since we use the calcium molecule to carry nutrients.... BOOM big fat flowers.

Biggest issues with BK are not having a good base of nutrients in the medium when started, not increasing the calcium load enough, not keeping the pH in the zone. Any of the above you will know about it REAL FAST.

I run it, but not during a seed run (like now) nutrient requirements are a little different with seeded fruit.

When I do, I make sure I'm at 100% feeds, and 4-600 ppm on the slurry, and I start at 25%.

When run right, it'll make beautiful monsters, but done wrong, well, best to learn the line, how it all works together, then....punch it
Ya that was def better explanation so THANKS! I’m in the habit of slurry but still haven’t had 1 feed where slurry was in the proper ppm zone but ph even tho soil started at 7.3 it’s been between 6.2-6.6 since I’ve been testing! If feeds down below 250 again since I’ve been doing over 100% on feeding should I jump to 150% until I get soil into the sweet spot?
If I can get the babies into zone will think about BK later in the grow but prob only use on 1 of the 2 lil ones! Do u only use it as a root drench and about when in grow do u start it?
Oh ya and was that wise to take the cal/mag issue I had and add the DD early so doesn’t wind up with deficiencies? I just added it at 1/2tsp with other 3 in seedling regimen so the LED didn’t shock it this time!