New Grower TxRebel 1st grow Gelato from Fastbuds

@Arthur have another question for ya buddy!! I went to do slurry test n the bushy 1 is at 116ppm n today was supposed to be a Bigfoot day! Should I just do nutes today since she’s using them up or what u think amigo?? If YES nutes can u tell at what level should do them cuz been giving em 100% and last time except MM n GM which I did 6.5ML or so with 2/3 a gallon of water n rest I did at the full 100% strength even tho wasn’t full gallon I mixed with it so was a little more than 100% on most last feed n still are all used up! Plz let me know your suggestions sir! Thx
Oh is 6.4 on this and prob close on other. Last time was 6.5/6.6. So just Nectar today or nectar and bigfoot?
I take it the plant with what looked like tip burn is the one at 116 ppm? Not tip burn, underfeeding.
Ya both show lil more than before last feed! Nute water was 960 or so last time n like 500 in the lil runoff I had
And should I do nutes like last time and do 100% strength into the 3/4 gallon of water or just do what would be 3/4 of 100%? Wanna make sure they eat good before gets to budding!