New Grower TxRebel 1st grow Gelato from Fastbuds

@CaptJonLuc is @Arthur right that when using nftg I need to double what schedule says for amt per gal on Demeters? Do u have an amt schedule for basic 6 that’s more accurate than the one they send or is it something I will have to test and learn as I go? Those rust spots worried me but prob need to move up to feeding every 3 days since much larger than when I did! Also who has the moisture meter from Lowe’s? Any idea what yours shows when it’s tech dry and thirsty? Forgot to check mine from day 1 in dry soil! Thx

I see what he said. This run I've run DD at 2 tsp/gal. But yeah, I could see where it would need to be higher, especially mag hungry plants. Do you have the Unofficial NFTG Growers Bible? Have you splashed the lower leaves when feeding? If the needle moves and doesn't settle back when you stick it about 4-5 inches down in the soil, there's moisture. Even if it is in the red. High green into the blue, don't water.
Oh ya since was pdf version and is on a webpage I forgot about having it! Was looking like a super long read for trying for quick diagnosis! Thx @Arthur & @CaptJonLuc
Will wait til tomorrow night to water and will do 1/2 strength in spots magee and full on other but twice what it shows for the DD! Should I double up on both plants DD dose if LED can cause it cuz were under wimpy cfl for a hot minute? Not sure if the 1 is having issues cuz the ppm in slurry was so high so is only 1 needing the double up or if it’s only showing in the 1 (as of now)? Will start reading up on the nftg bible thing if it’ll provide useful knowledge! Thx
Also as @CaptJonLuc asked YES have def splashed lower leaves (mainly last feeding) cuz got a watering can from Home Depot that sucks ass!! Time before it I was smart enough to put some into reg size bottle for drinking bottled water and fed around stem (cuz have a bottle around base of both) but last feed used just watering can so wound up getting on plants! Got on both plants tho and only see on the 1 where has the 400ish ppm and the 266ppm plant don’t see any! Tried foliar spray of just plain ph’d water cuz thought was just stain from feed but didn’t help so posted in here to see! @Arthur not sure if already asked but would u say give the 1 with lower ppm full dose nutes n double what shows for DD? Then 1/2 on higher ppm soil for all nutes except the DD? Wanna make sure I treat em right and don’t make it worse! Thx a bunch
The plant with the spots I am sure got more on them from water can since shorter and wider but pretty sure it’s the diff in the ppm’s of the 2 but far from even experienced so still struggling to be called an amateur! Hoping that’s the problem and the diff doses in nutes (full 1&1/2other) is the fix with extra DD for mag problem since calcium based nutes!
i quit liquid nutes because of these types of issues...ive had plenty...
tlo is superior!
still, you can learn a lot doing what youre doing i suppose!
Oh ya since was pdf version and is on a webpage I forgot about having it! Was looking like a super long read for trying for quick diagnosis! Thx @Arthur & @CaptJonLuc
Will wait til tomorrow night to water and will do 1/2 strength in spots magee and full on other but twice what it shows for the DD! Should I double up on both plants DD dose if LED can cause it cuz were under wimpy cfl for a hot minute? Not sure if the 1 is having issues cuz the ppm in slurry was so high so is only 1 needing the double up or if it’s only showing in the 1 (as of now)? Will start reading up on the nftg bible thing if it’ll provide useful knowledge! Thx

Could just be genetic. Even the difference in phenos might be enough.