New Grower TxRebel 1st grow Gelato from Fastbuds

I think my plants appreciated the full dose of nutes last night! Had to watch humidity today tho cuz caught it at 70% at 1 point! Ladies def perked up tho and can see new growth from the top I broke off! Lol
@Arthur @archie gemmill @420Forever @Mañ'O'Green if there are any leaves I should plan on pruning off plz let me know! Gonna go get pack of plant staples to be able to start pinning down some of the branches in the middle throwing shade til they can get pinned to the side! Also should I plan on bending stem down since really don’t want it getting to full 40” if would have better results doing another way! Or should I get tomato cage to get the lower branches held up n out since only 2 in my 2x4 so once I move the Tupperware stand out I am using them I will have tons of space. Why I got 2 separate heat sinks for LED! Thx
Some breeders say stuff like that others say 800g square M and such a lazy growers yes.but i also want the plant to grow supercropping defpilong is a bit last minute/emmergency.
They only 2 weeks old,give em a lil more time.they may stay squat,they could take off to.
Looking good,keep yer lit
Much obliged amigos! Figured would prob be able to tell when or where leaves needed to come off but some of these little offshoots and their tiny leaves are growing right up into the branches above them and look to flimsy to pin and tucking doesn’t look like option! Will they grow into bigger beefier leaves n branches or should I pin them down? Since 1st timer it’s all new to me! Thanks