New Grower TxRebel 1st grow Gelato from Fastbuds

Did remember that bk needed to be started when young and also only if ph can be kept in range and ppm! That’s why I told u what I found and that I only could come up with ph but no clue why ph won’t go and no stay up!
P is a sneaky one, by the time you see it, and figure out it's not a calcium deficiency, your behind. That's why I've been starting runs feed at 6.5 and not going under. You can get behind fast.
I'm ok using the BK now, but I tried it when I ran my sample kit and almost blew the run. Been a very long time since I did something that extreeme. If your not sitting on healthy girls, BK sends you sideways fast.
As organics break down, it's not uncommon for them to pull the pH down, add another Tbls of HH, that will require more oly, more oly in the soil will help buffer it up.
A bit scattered tonight, friggin good weed.

But... when you do get a run done that's been pushed with BK and HH... it'll be some of the most impressive looking nugs you'll see. Hard as rock solid. Dense doesn't explain it right. If you were around in the late 80s, it was like the first few runs of indoor. You'd get an eighth and wonder were all the weed was. Be like 3 small rocks in a baggie.
A bit scattered tonight, friggin good weed.

But... when you do get a run done that's been pushed with BK and HH... it'll be some of the most impressive looking nugs you'll see. Hard as rock solid. Dense doesn't explain it right. If you were around in the late 80s, it was like the first few runs of indoor. You'd get an eighth and wonder were all the weed was. Be like 3 small rocks in a baggie.
Good way to put it! I think once I have had a couple successful runs I’ll know what is what and will feel safe running that! Until I know what issue I see (if I see 1) and then how to correct it I don’t wanna did anything that’ll throw me off! I think I’ll be getting a gallon here n there like if HH and smaller bottles of TT type stuff that doesn’t get used entire run a qt will work but wanna get the basics down and then expand! Seems like the smartest idea! And did use extra HH last time and extra oly with it cuz wanted ph to come up so did that right! At least feeding little less can do it more often! Would suck trying to address this if I was still only feeding every 4-5 days! :yoinks:
Oh and back in the 80’s I was still under 10yrs old but know what u r talking about with the nice dense nugs!
Married and had my first kid before the 80s were out. She just turned 30. Stopped growing when she was born, have more. Didn't start growing again till we ended in 01'
Married and had my first kid before the 80s were out. She just turned 30. Stopped growing when she was born, have more. Didn't start growing again till we ended in 01'
Hey your brain obv still works so no worries! When memory starts failing can start feeling old! When u r forgetting feedings or kids names then maybe a problem coming on! Lol