New Grower TWG Mark3 - The Wardrobe Growspace Project

OK cleaned everything, broke a pot and reset everything...

So already put the babies in the cup of water and moisten the all mix bio bizz medium, specs say it should be moisten 36 hours before putting the seed to activate the goodies.

Tomorrow will put them on the paper towel and by Tuesday will be putting them on the medium.

How often should I mister the soil while they are germinating???

On this run I have two 3.4gal pots one weights 5.4kg the other 6.3kg with wet boots, don't know why almost a kilo diff but i will compensate later with a Lil bit of more soil and care.

This grow I'm going to grow RQS quick one, since it says it's quick...

Bonus round: how do you store your seeds after the package has been compromised?

also, it can still be done no problem how many plants are you looking to grow in there
Usually two, for my experience I would say I could run 8, but for what I see around they grow very much so not enough space for more than 2 being honest.
@420Forever stick around you may learn something xD
Edit: Or teach something.

plantz are the teacherz, we are but the studentz...alwayz ;) and well, one thing they taught me a long time ago is to never uze paper towelz for germing :nono: the lil "feelerz" that come off the taproot ezily grow into the paper towel & when it comez time to remove the bean from said towel for planting...well, i'll let u fill in the blank :rolleyes2: ppp
plantz are the teacherz, we are but the studentz...alwayz ;) and well, one thing they taught me a long time ago is to never uze paper towelz for germing :nono: the lil "feelerz" that come off the taproot ezily grow into the paper towel & when it comez time to remove the bean from said towel for planting...well, i'll let u fill in the blank :rolleyes2: ppp
I "feel" you..
Made a hole with Tha finga at each pot and put the Lil ones in, you say this is going to work? XD
I "feel" you..
Made a hole with Tha finga at each pot and put the Lil ones in, you say this is going to work? XD

it'll work...may take an xtra day or so, but it'll work ;) i meself jus soak the bean in spring water for 24-36h, then into the final pot it goez & i've never had one fail to sprout :thumbsup: ppp
Thanks, OK so now, dsrkness until they sprout? Maybe put some Tupperware over it? Hmm hmm?
dsrkness until they sprout?

when nature sewz seedz in the wild, duz she turn off the sun until they sprout-? :rolleyes2: no, of course she duzn't & neither do u have to ;) out there, the soil is abzorbing energy from the photonz jus like the plantz do & it all goez hand in hand...i.e. symbiosis ;) jus keep the soil lightly misted 2-3 timez daily until they sprout...after sprouting, stick a dome on em, keepin it misted underneath to help with rh, cuz seedlingz need high humidity, like 75-80%...then jus keep the dome & topsoil misted for the first week or so, as that'z truly all they need :thumbsup: ppp