Show Grows 2023 Twenty20 Mendocino Spring 2023 Grow & Show

Early flower
  • Day 31 early flower just top fed 0.51oz of Royal gold bloom....took some bigger fan leaves off...and topped at 5th one gal pots of Royal gold king mix...
    Early Flower
  • Day31......I'm calling Early Flower on Bubble Tricks......... Neither Double Bubble is there yet.
    Bubble Tricks and Double Bubble shared a gallon of Mega Crop at 550 PPM I also added a dash of kelp and coconut water. I'm pretty happy with the way the volcanic fluff layer is working with these Rain Science bags. I think the only downside I can see at the moment, here's a little longer wait time for the top watering to soak in. If they continue to do this well, I'll be sure to dissect the root balls quickly as possible after the chop. With it not being organic in these little 3 gallon bags, I wonder how much of the silicon is being made available from the volcanic fluff. At this rate of feed with mega crop, it's not really adverse to microbial activity and I am doing other things to feed the microbes and keep them active. That's one of the reasons why I gave a little bit of coconut water to help with the roots. I don't know if it's genetics, but I can feel quite a bit of 'sturdiness' developing with our Miss Eager Beaver. Not a bit wispy at all even with her rapid growth. Double Bubble in the three gallon pot is more sturdy than her sister in the earth box.......... The total biomass is probably more also.......... Sorry I didn't get pictures of her when I had her sitting out soaking.


    Double Bubble in the Earthbox
    Early Flower
  • Day 43 for the Bubble Tricks. She is cruising along and still stretching. Bud sites are coming along nicely as is the canopy. I’ve been taking off a lot of lower nodes over the past two weeks. I also wasn’t getting ahead of the gnats. So I took off the top layer or soil, added a fresh layer of BuildaFlower and watered with mosquito bit tea. I also taped up the overflow hole cause they were coming outta there too. Seems to have done the trick.
    Growing seems to be very easy when you’re only growing one plant. Can’t believe I would grow 3 plants at a time in this 2x2.

    Early Flower
  • Bubble Tricks and Double Bubble are doing outstanding in the three gallon pots! Both are doing incredibly well, but just love Bubble Tricks structure ! And I haven't touched her. All I've done is fed her! Double Bubble has a more squatty but very uniform structure and all I've done to her is cleaner bottom up a little bit and leaf tuck.
    Double Bubble in the junior has a much more open structure. Now remember this is the one that seemed to top herself and then have three main structures. I have done nothing with her. I don't have the room to do anything to her. She's on her own. Her odd structure actually is a benefit. As always like I did it. Strange stuff when you're growing cannabis!:funny:Let's face it! Her self training just freaking works! Funny as hell! The only problem is she's not flowering. No signs. I don't know. At 37 days, that has me a bit concerned. Otherwise, she's doing beautifully!

    I'm calling Early flower 4 Bubble Tricks and Double Bubble in the 3 gallon pots!
    I do think Double Bubble is a little bit nitrogen sensitive . New growth has lighter tips and looks right on the verge of burn. She exhibits it in both the three gallon pots and the Earthbox junior.
    hopefully sometime this week I will be giving her a little bit more room in the junior with one of the other girls being harvested in this particular grow. I might get the three gallon bag girl some room also.
    I'm very happy with the performance so far!

    Bubble Tricks
    I do just love Bubble Tricks structure!

    Double Bubble

    Double Bubble in the EB Jr
    Early Flower
  • Bubble Tricks Day 40[B/] (back left)

    She's gone full beast mode these past couple days. Going through 2 gal in 3 days. I also started her on a higher PK diet now that we are hopefully finishing up the stretch and getting into flowering. We are up to an EC of about 700 and no signs of tip burn. I still haven't done much other than plucked some inward facing fan leaves, trimmed off a couple lower sucker branches and added some ties to open up the branches a bit more. Trouble free grow so far.




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    Mid Flower
  • Day 50 above soil today for our Bubble Tricks and the buds are developing nicely. Feeding 500ppm MegaCrop part A, and 200ppm Calmag.

    Coast of Maine Stonington Blend is the healthiest looking with the fattest buds.



    Roots Organic Lush, some fading lower down.



    Fox Farm Happy Frog, Twin tops as the lowest branch took over while she recovered from the break




    Coots kit soil, the tallest, with the most dying leaves




    Plucked any dead/dying leaves, and a few fan leaves in the center of the plant then back to the tent.
    Mid Flower
  • Day 48

    This update is focused more on Bubble Tricks as last update covered Double Bubble

    I defoliated Bubble Tricks this morning and I ended up with sticky hands from it, she is frosting up big time and 90% of the leafs had frost all over them. I also removed a bunch of small branches that would never support their weight, little bottom suckers that made it up high by leaning on the tent.

    You can see some of the tip burn I was talking about last post on 1 of the Bubble Tricks plants from the ppm being to high in the res, somehow it went up 100ppm, this is why i should be less lazy and check my res's ppm/ph daily but I'm busy/lazy lol. The other 2 Bubble Tricks plants and Double Bubble are not showing any damage.

    Group Pics - Double Bubble is on the left, Bubble Tricks is on the right

    Bubble Tricks before haircut, i pushed her in the center of the tent

    Bubble Tricks after haircut , other after hair cut pics are also in group pics above


    Bud Pics
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