Show Grows 2023 Twenty20 Mendocino Spring 2023 Grow & Show

Early flower
Day 44 for the three bubble tricks girls. Got pompoms forming on the front one. They are starting to show their individualness… rear girl looks like she’s gonna be a monster, middle child is a shortie, and front girl seems to be the fastest!

Im thinking it’s about time to start adding some nutes.
Little Miss Eager Beaver, Bubble Tricks, is now taller than Elephant or CBD Haze! :funny:
I wonder if she knows she's in a three gallon bag?:biggrin:
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Gonna be hard for that lil gal to spread her wings when other wings are in her face lol

They all look great tho!!
Gonna be hard for that lil gal to spread her wings when other wings are in her face lol

They all look great tho!!
She may not getting much reflected light, but she gets plenty overhead. I haven't checked it in a couple of days i imagine it's around 700 now............and she's still at it! :eyebrows: . I think it was a good move to give the other girl a little bit better light and she's responded to it.quite well. :growing:
Bubble Tricks Day 32 (back left)

This is my preferred plant structure. Nice long branches and open structure. No major trimming needed just some leaf tucking and I tied down her upper nodes so the lowers could catch up. Still stretching but putting out more flowers and tighter node spacing. I just bumped her feed up to 600EC so hopefully that takes care of the leaf discoloration.



Bubble Tricks Day 32 (back left)

This is my preferred plant structure. Nice long branches and open structure. No major trimming needed just some leaf tucking and I tied down her upper nodes so the lowers could catch up. Still stretching but putting out more flowers and tighter node spacing. I just bumped her feed up to 600EC so hopefully that takes care of the leaf discoloration.

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Very nice!!!