Show Grows 2023 Twenty20 Mendocino Spring 2023 Grow & Show

Bubble Tricks hiding her sister behind her.:eyebrows::biggrin:
She's getting that frost going too!!!:headbang:
Did I mention that I do like her structure quite a bit?:funny::eyebrows:

Untrained, her structure is extremely uniform. With her more open structure. You get pretty good light penetration. If she maintains that uniformity after properly topping, she could be quite a good producer in a sea of green. She kinda looks like you would get two big main colas and a bunch of big old pom pom buds from each girl.

@Twenty20 Adam when is this girl gonna be available to buy? I kinda wanna play around with this one.:eyebrows:
Bubble Tricks hiding her sister behind her.:eyebrows::biggrin:
She's getting that frost going too!!!:headbang:
Did I mention that I do like her structure quite a bit?:funny::eyebrows:

Untrained, her structure is extremely uniform. With her more open structure. You get pretty good light penetration. If she maintains that uniformity after properly topping, she could be quite a good producer in a sea of green. She kinda looks like you would get two big main colas and a bunch of big old pom pom buds from each girl.

@Twenty20 Adam when is this girl gonna be available to buy? I kinda wanna play around with this one.:eyebrows:
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I'm with you on this strain, i love their structure too.

But to be honest every twenty20 i have grown was pretty amazing in every way! If @Twenty20 Adam ever needed a personal tester i would be down to be their guy lol

Thanks for the rep @InkAddict$
I'm with you on this strain, i love their structure too.

But to be honest every twenty20 i have grown was pretty amazing in every way! If @Twenty20 Adam ever needed a personal tester i would be down to be their guy lol

Thanks for the rep @InkAddict$
Me test for them anytime...they are a good company...
I'm with you on this strain, i love their structure too.

But to be honest every twenty20 i have grown was pretty amazing in every way! If @Twenty20 Adam ever needed a personal tester i would be down to be their guy lol

Thanks for the rep @InkAddict$
Everything I've grown from them has been simply freaking fantastic!
Without a doubt. I wouldn't hesitate to grow anything Adam sent to me.
The only downside for me personally, would be feeling the pressure to make sure the girls did the absolute best!
I'm absolutely totally enamored with how well Vidamints has performed in this grow! The amount of bud for her size that she is producing is quite nice. The quality of the bud she is producing will let me do anything that I want to do with it, whether it's flower, rosin, cobbing or whatever.
The vast majority of her will be we're making live rosin. I'll take some for cobbing, but probably no flower of this run. If she turns out to be good medicine and one or more of the veterans that I help wants some flower, I'll do it then.
Yeah, I'm gonna have some interesting medicine with the live rosin and cobbing, but what I'm looking forward to is the medicine that I reclaim from the work dry ice material. What I've been making so far is just from only THC girls. Halo definitely gets you high as hell a and is very good sleep aid. The THC and CBD combo should be quite a bit more therapeutic ingested orally and I'm hoping for better pain control. If I see that is the case, the alcohol extraction method will be what I try on the next girl and make a pretty potent tincture. That's gonna be my next large cannabis related purchase, which is the Extractcraft SOURCE Turbo Complete Set @ $719.00
I'm trying to move my Veteran buddy in Dallas towards vaping Live Rosin and hopefully the tincture. That's mainly to be a lot easier on his lungs.

Bubble Tricks hiding her sister behind her.:eyebrows::biggrin:
She's getting that frost going too!!!:headbang:
Did I mention that I do like her structure quite a bit?:funny::eyebrows:

Untrained, her structure is extremely uniform. With her more open structure. You get pretty good light penetration. If she maintains that uniformity after properly topping, she could be quite a good producer in a sea of green. She kinda looks like you would get two big main colas and a bunch of big old pom pom buds from each girl.

@Twenty20 Adam when is this girl gonna be available to buy? I kinda wanna play around with this one.:eyebrows:
View attachment 1606472
Hmm. Good question on the release. We are growing some rest rounds now to get the specs on her. Definitely Liking what we are seeing
Hmm. Good question on the release. We are growing some rest rounds now to get the specs on her. Definitely Liking what we are seeing
That sounds great man! I wish I could have offered each strain an Earthbox junior.
Double Bubble in the Earthbox junior is a bit of a mutant, kinda self-topped, later flower....40 day to early flower...and only 5 leaf fans. BUT, she is vibrant as hell though!

I've got chops coming any day, maybe today for one. I'll be able to move them to one tent and give them a bit more room to grow.
Bubble Tricks started putting out frost about a week after early flower and smelling quite nice.
I was first all about Bubble Tricks and how she was growing. Double Bubble is gaining a bit of love the way she is stacking her buds. She has a little bit more closer spacing than Bubble Tricks.
Both will be on my list to play with after my next run! I'm thinking Earthbox junior and massive :naughtystep: (training) is in order and should be pretty fun!

Looks like some very nice potential to me!
Everything I've grown from them has been simply freaking fantastic!
Without a doubt. I wouldn't hesitate to grow anything Adam sent to me.
The only downside for me personally, would be feeling the pressure to make sure the girls did the absolute best!
I'm absolutely totally enamored with how well Vidamints has performed in this grow! The amount of bud for her size that she is producing is quite nice. The quality of the bud she is producing will let me do anything that I want to do with it, whether it's flower, rosin, cobbing or whatever.
The vast majority of her will be we're making live rosin. I'll take some for cobbing, but probably no flower of this run. If she turns out to be good medicine and one or more of the veterans that I help wants some flower, I'll do it then.
Yeah, I'm gonna have some interesting medicine with the live rosin and cobbing, but what I'm looking forward to is the medicine that I reclaim from the work dry ice material. What I've been making so far is just from only THC girls. Halo definitely gets you high as hell a and is very good sleep aid. The THC and CBD combo should be quite a bit more therapeutic ingested orally and I'm hoping for better pain control. If I see that is the case, the alcohol extraction method will be what I try on the next girl and make a pretty potent tincture. That's gonna be my next large cannabis related purchase, which is the Extractcraft SOURCE Turbo Complete Set @ $719.00
I'm trying to move my Veteran buddy in Dallas towards vaping Live Rosin and hopefully the tincture. That's mainly to be a lot easier on his lungs.

Great genetics for sure! No pressure for me, all of my grows seem to be the same (great grows) when using promix, megacrop, and autopots, if i stay under 700ppm that is, some genetics like more, some like less but i noticed as long as i stay 600ppm or so i get awesome results. The only thing that gets me is being lazy and not checking the res's ph/ppm every 3-4 days just in case it swings up.

I recently switched from rosin back to flower smoking, after 2 months of everyday dabbing i had a issue where every time i dabbed it made me feel sick so i reverted back to what worked for me all my life, bong hits. I think i was sick that week with a upper respiratory but i don't take chances, if i have a bad experience i tend to stay away for awhile.

My tolerance is back to normal too, rosin kinda of messed me up as a all day smoker, i was needing 2 big rosin hits from my dab rig every 2 hours to feel "good" now its 2 normal bong hits. i still have my press but i may consider selling it since i don't use it anymore.. i started using rosin because of my lungs, was coughing up black stuff for a year, switched to rosin and now back to flower and I'm better now, so maybe it does help but that sick feeling every time i dabbed was so bad i didn't even want to get high anymore until i tried smoking a joint and found that it works without the sick feeling.
Great genetics for sure! No pressure for me, all of my grows seem to be the same (great grows) when using promix, megacrop, and autopots, if i stay under 700ppm that is, some genetics like more, some like less but i noticed as long as i stay 600ppm or so i get awesome results. The only thing that gets me is being lazy and not checking the res's ph/ppm every 3-4 days just in case it swings up.

I recently switched from rosin back to flower smoking, after 2 months of everyday dabbing i had a issue where every time i dabbed it made me feel sick so i reverted back to what worked for me all my life, bong hits. I think i was sick that week with a upper respiratory but i don't take chances, if i have a bad experience i tend to stay away for awhile.

My tolerance is back to normal too, rosin kinda of messed me up as a all day smoker, i was needing 2 big rosin hits from my dab rig every 2 hours to feel "good" now its 2 normal bong hits. i still have my press but i may consider selling it since i don't use it anymore.. i started using rosin because of my lungs, was coughing up black stuff for a year, switched to rosin and now back to flower and I'm better now, so maybe it does help but that sick feeling every time i dabbed was so bad i didn't even want to get high anymore until i tried smoking a joint and found that it works without the sick feeling.
You might wanna try a different device for your rosin. I can easily microdose with my Lookah Swordfish and get to where I wanna be and it is extremely efficient! You might need to start an edible program and use that as your base medicine and fine tune with the Swordfish and rosin. You just need to be a bit careful on your oral dosage! It can sure bite you in the ass!............. But in a good way!

Since you brought it up, I'm making changes On my next auto run in the lighting department. I think I'm going to run 20/4 at a lower light level to achieve the DLI. Alright I think I can get better results doing that way with these extremely powerful HLG lights I have.