twenty20 TWENTY20 MENDOCINO Go Go ( auto) showcase

YoungGrassh0pper update#9
  • Day 49 for my Go-Go. She’s really enjoying the 2x2 space that I moved her over to.

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    Shiva's Mistress update#5
  • One of the earlier ones that went outside and survived the slugs.
    Weather has been great lately, hot, sunny as hell.
    Loving life:

    Have another at home that I just topped, looking very healthy, but needs to go into the wild as well.
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    MR magoo#update 8
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    Boognelson87 update#9
  • Day 35: week 5 and go go is quite the nice little bush. About twice as wide as tall. 18 inches tall. Tent is completely full so all she has left is upward. Potential for bigger is there . It's a compact plant for sure.

    7 days ago
    and todays photos
    all her allowed space


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    Shiva's Mistress update#6
  • The one in the back yard trying to hide from the neighbours...



    Just topped her and need to get her into a forever home outside with bigger shoes.
    Higher hopes for this one -- she's been the best so far after horrible weather in spring and early summer in the UK.
    She was my latest starter, but that means she'll be finishing when the weather is ... September at best... fingers crossed!
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    Only1Sky update #3
  • Update #4 @Trichome farmer and @Twenty20 Adam
    Day 23
    Well, as expected, growth is very delayed due to the radiation job that I did on my new born brood. 5 of the eight have survived. But for 23 days above ground there isn't a lot to show. Also seems that some foliar spray I was using is too strong for some of the gals, and has distorted their leaves. For now, just plain RO water in my spray bottle for a couple of weeks.

    Here's the 3 remaining GO-GOs:
    23.GG all c.jpg

    23.GG1 b.jpg
    23.GG2 b.jpg
    23.GG3 b.jpg

    Of my two Glue-Sniffers and Snow-Gs, one of each survived and are actually doing fairly well.


    23.GS a.jpg
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