twenty20 TWENTY20 MENDOCINO Go Go ( auto) showcase

Boognelson87 update#2
  • Day 7: go go seems to be bouncing back since having shell casing stuck on her. Happy and healthy.
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    MR magoo#update 3
  • @Twenty20 Adam . Hello Adam. :toke: Go Go autos day8. doing well.:toke: Soon to have more room. 4 big plants close to harvest.
    within a week or two. :bighug::peace:
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    MR magoo#update 4
  • Hello space/time cadets.:goauto: @Twenty20 Adam. howdy Adam. :bighug:Go Go auto's doing well. will start small doses of veg. mix , next feeding. day15. Soon they will take enter stage, as i harvest four big girls.:thumbsup::cheers:
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    Shiva's Mistress update#2
  • Shiva's Mistress: Twenty20 Vision Quest!

    Auto Go-Go, Day 15 Up from the Soil! -- 2021 June 25 at 13:00

    Hola AFN familia!

    Here is one of the two little ones from my Round One:
    20210625 SM's Auto Go-Go.jpg

    She'll be going to her final guerilla home soon. I think I have found a place.

    Her sister is already outside next to a Seedstockers' AK420.
    No pics of her, but she looks a little bit bigger than this one above.

    Auto Go-Go, Day 1 Up from the Soil! -- 2021 June 25 at 13:00

    Round Two beans were dropped a week ago.
    The weather was crap -- cold down to 6C overnight and highs of only 17C, wet, cloudy.

    Both came up okay -- let's call this Day 1, but one got damping-off, so it's back to just the one for Round Two.
    20210625 SM's Auto Go-Go Rnd 2.jpg

    Hope everyone else's grow is going just fantastic!
    Lots of sun, good temps, gentle breezes.

    Love and hugs.
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    Shiva's Mistress update#3
  • Shiva's Mistress: Twenty20 Vision Quest!

    Auto Go-Go, Day 18 Up from the Soil! -- 2021 June 27 at 13:00

    Hola AFN familia!

    Here is one of the two little ones from my Round One a couple of days ago:

    Weather here in the UK has been ... shit. Highs of just around 18C, overcast, no sun, for a week or so now.

    Love and hugs.
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    Only1Sky update #1
  • Update #1 @Trichome farmer and @Twenty20 Adam

    Delayed on starting while waiting for a new light to arrive and harvesting a few "space" occupying plants. Now, lets get the show rocking .. but first a little warm up from The Rolling Stones - Going To A Go Go (From The Vault Hampton Coliseum Live In 1981)

    Seeds arrived timely (May 27) and in great shape; many thanks Adam for the additional strains:

    0.0 seeds.jpg

    First step: 120 grit sandpaper rolled up in a doob-tube. Add seeds, one stain at a time, shake Twenty times, then shake another 20 times.

    0.1 sandpaper.jpg

    Then into a Reverse Osmosis bath and off to the dark pantry.

    0.2 RO soak.jpg

    Oops, got distracted and forgot about them. 40 hours later here's what I found: tails on 7 and the 8th just starting to crack open.

    0.3 tails a.jpg
    0.3 tails b.jpg
    0.3 tails c.jpg

    So, popped them all into these little starter plugs and into my Park's Bio Dome Seed-Starting System.
    Two days later I've got several heads starting to pop up. In another day or so we should have the neo-natal ward in full swing.

    0.4 plugs & dome.jpg
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    YoungGrassh0pper update#7
  • Day 28 for my little lady. Her branches are going through some preflower stretch. She’s being fed Megacrop/Bud Explosion at this point.

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    MR magoo#update 5
  • @Twenty20 Adam Hello Adam. :cheers: Day 20 for Go Go autos. growing ok. seem to be small. they were crowded. have room now. lets see if they stretch. one had a dry band in the middle of two leaves?? don't know what that is about?? new growth is fine.
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