twenty20 TWENTY20 MENDOCINO Go Go ( auto) showcase

Boognelson87 update#10
  • Day 45: growing about an inch a day now. She's at 33.25 inches with the training . I cut a few more branches down low. I feel there is gonna be alot of branch tying. The main branches up the stem are sturdy. I'm sure training influenced this too. Big lady starting to get some odor and looking ready to flower.
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    MR magoo#update 12
  • @Twenty20 Adam Another day another gallon. dry as a bone from yesterday. :yoinks:
    Go Go Auto. dropped megacrop 2.0 to 1.5 ml from 4.5 ml. added 1ml. bud explosion. :toke:
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    hope2grow update #11
  • Day 31 for the gogo.. keepin her as flat as I can but a few of the stronger branches getting away from me now.. some of the middle stuff will get weeded out at some stage.. some will make the canopy I'm sure..

    Love it when ya get the foot in there lol.. unavoidable :jointman: :vibes:
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    Shiva's Mistress update#7
  • A little update. These Auto Go-Gos started late, but it was best for them, avoiding the cold early summer in the UK.

    The younger one. Topped her, maybe get two main tops, as not much branching below.
    Seeing her here, maybe best if I didn't top her, but anyways...
    She hasn't shown pistils yet, so hopefully will have time to get bigger and the top won't slow her flower set.



    Her older sister, untopped. Nice structure, really one main top, with not much branching below.
    Not sure how much of a stretch she'll put out, given the shape of that main tip right now.



    There's a bit of pigeon manure around her base, but think I'll give her more, and a bit stronger.
    Might get an actual cola out of this girl, unlike my other plants outside in this horrible British winter, er, I mean, summer....

    Love and hugs,
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    Boognelson87 update#11
  • Day 47: go go is doing her thing now. feeding every 48 hours now. 3 inch growth in 2 days. Ppm feed today 860. She's been getting fed about this amount the last couple. I water 3 gallons every me about half gallon run off. She's over 3 feet tall with training. Going really well though. She'd like me more if I had more width in my tent to spread her out earlier.
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    MR magoo#update 13
  • :toke: Hello spacetime dwellers. @Twenty20 Adam
    Go Go auto day49. still a gallon a day, no runoff. she is taking up every drop.:cheers:
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    Splitty37 update#5
  • Afternoon all,
    Day 53 for the Go-go and she’s starting to fatten up nicely now, drinking over 2 litres a day which is pretty impressive considering she’s in a 2 litre bottle. Have a good one everyone! :thumbsup:
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    hope2grow update #12
  • Day 35 for my gogo.. just 1 rogue branch of the 10 mains didn't quite keep up with the growth and threw my percect ring of 10 mains off lol.. I think she's shaping up pretty nice for stretch and flower..
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