twenty20 TWENTY20 MENDOCINO Go Go ( auto) showcase

Splitty37 update#3
  • afternoon all,
    Sorry I haven't posted sooner had a bit of a mare of a week and will try and get back on regular updates now. Day 41 for the go-go and she's living life and drinking at least a litre of feed daily. Gonna give her a good strip out tomorrow to get more light to where it counts and get rid of the smaller bits that won't amount to much. Have to say im quite impressed at the speed she's coming along at! Have a good one all! @Trichome farmer @Twenty20 Adam
    :thumbsup: :pass:
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    MR magoo#update 9
  • Go Go auto day 40. :toke: Exact opposite of the culled mutant. @Twenty20 Adam:bighug:.she is in tent alone until Aug. 10th.
    Not a blemish on this girl. :drool::dancer:
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    YoungGrassh0pper update#9
  • Day 56 for my Go-Go. Decided to tie her down a bit to let the lowers get more light sunce they look like they wanna be chunkers also :pighug::smoking:

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    Boognelson87 update#9
  • Day 42: go go is doing her thing. She's an oddly fascinating plant. The growth with training is phenomenal. However the branching is odd. Not much support with just smaller branching. The plant instead of growing upwards like most the branching is growing inwards curved or straight out. Many smaller lower branches can't support themselves and definitely won't with buds. I cut 20 or so branches off her today in hopes the energy is focused towards the others and to open her up for airflow she needs some. This plant growth reminds me of my double grape with the vigor after training. She's a big lady at 31 inches tall after training with prolly another week of growth to go. It's prolly safe to say she's gonna push 13 weeks. She's starting to get a good funk on her and hoping flower goes well. She's got some very long pistils shooting out her bud sites. That's different too. This go go is doing one of a kind for sure lol. She's very healthy and happy too. Looking forward to the rest.

    A week ago
    after trim


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    Splitty37 update#4
  • Afternoon all,
    Day 47 for the go-go and she's happy and healthy even after she was stripped of lower down smaller stuff etc to allow her to fucus energy on the tops. Looking forward to trying this one but then I say that about every girl I grow! Have a good one everyone! :thumbsup:
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