twenty20 Twenty20 Mendocino 2021 Grow&show

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hope2grow - update #23
  • Trizzlers day 70..
    The Mugwamp - update #12
  • Update 12
    Trizzlers Auto
    Day 82
    Well, she's not pretty but she's still going and thankfully, no sign of anymore rot :woohoo1: she looks just about ready, but I'll probably give her another week, then take her down :thumbsup:

    @420Forever :pass:
    hope2grow - update #24
  • Trizzlers on her final day of life.. day 81.. Chop later today.. gettin her lean on..

    Should be a nice haul. Thanks again @Twenty20 Adam for the opportunity to grow these genetics.. I love them.. quality material.. ill be sure to tag you when I get a glue sniffer and/or snow g up and running :bighug: :jointman: :vibes:
    RustyStarbuck72 - update #18
  • My 4 Strawberry Biscotti have survived the emergency swap out of DWC into soil after the heat disaster.. Quite frankly I'm relieved to be back in the dirt... I'm home lol... Its gonna be a full tent of green in no time again... I've also popped a little Hotz auto from @Twenty20 Adam in the next batch so more to come, in fact in terms of genetics I'll be running Twenty20 perpetually with knows Candy, Hotz, and the strawberrys until my seeds run out following on from these 8.

    :d5: :vibes:
    RustyStarbuck72 - update #19
  • @Twenty20 Adam , considering these 4 were struggling in over heated dwc the other day, they are taking off pretty dam good after the transplant ... Look like 3 the same and a smaller one, however that maybe just due to the trauma of being slowly boiled.... Colour is starting to come back and the growth is pretty speedy... These are gonna be fun I think :smoking:
    The Mugwamp - update #13
  • Update 13
    Trizzlers Auto
    Day 93
    Considering she's been on a 12/12 cycle for the last 5 weeks, she's not looking too bad, she's not the prettiest, but man does she smell good :yay: I stuck her in a dark tent yesterday and all being well (or if I can be arsed) she should be coming down tomorrow :woohoo:

    Some of the buds have turned a nice pinky/purple colour :thumbsup:

    @420Forever :pass:
    Zeromitch - update #1
  • Sorry I'm late to the show i had things come up but better now than never :smoking:

    Strain: Trizkits
    Day 1: 8/23/21

    I put my seed in rainwater with a pinch of tm-7, 2 drops of h202, and a pinch of bigfoot mycorrhizae and 24 hours later had a tail. Next day i put her in some soil in my citypicker SIP and here we are.

    Current setup:
    2.3x2.3 tent
    1.5 cu. Citypicker SIP (earthbox style)
    50% Cooked living soil i made 4-5 months ago and 50% Miracle-gro moisture control (i ran out of living soil lol
    Tossed some bokashi on top and sprayed it down and mulched with barley straw.
    I have BuildaFlower, craft blend, and worm castings to help feed this girl

    x2 Growstar 110W here they are on amazon, i bought them for $60 each now they are $39 ; /
    I'm not that impressed with them, they make short plants but i did get 200g off 4 plants and 87g from 2 plants with them so they do grow buds.
    RustyStarbuck72 - update #20
  • I think my. Purple strawberry bisquik Biscotti :crying:
    are about to get a stretch on very soon... I gave them a good pin down to open up the new upward growth and get a good level canopy before they kick off, no pistils yet but I can feel its coming (said the midwife to the Bishop)
    Last nights bondage session

    This afternoon .... They ain't hanging about today :headbang:
    Zeromitch - update #2
  • Strain: Trizkits
    Day 8: 8/31/21 Week 1

    Top watered the sip 2 liters of water 3-4 days ago and everything seems healthy from what i can see.
    Hopefully week 2 will have more of a growth spurt :thumbsup: