@Bud Wiser UK hows the temps now were below zero mate?
Thankfully, a lot better than when it was 10 deg C outside..!
I was battling with 31 deg C at times, without the heater on too .. just the lights and dehumidifier.
The problem was drawing my intake air in from the vegging room, which was also heated to about 25 deg C.
The thing is, you can handle a
consistent temperature, whatever it is, just some tweaking between heater and ventilation does the trick. But when the temps outside vary wildly, your nice little tweak goes straight out the window (metaphorically speaking of course, but some people have actually taken me literally, I had one guy check the pH of a cow's arse because he thought I was being serious .. ha ha) and then, of course, cooling the room down becomes a problem.
I'm still tweaking ... but the lowest rootzone temp recorded so far has been around 13.8 deg C at lights-off .. a little too low for my liking.
The highest around 27 deg C lights-on .. a little too high for my liking too.
I'm testing another load of settings tonight .. more fucking
vent/heat/humidity combos to try out..!