Dude to hear that they will come out either purple red or white is all i need to hear........ I will be breeding the snot outta this strain now. Ima purple/red/white up my favorite strains as I find them!!!!
Here is an update with photos i took yesterday.....
Those were of Alexus making a HUGE main cola now.
Those were of Candy looking DELICIOUS!!!!
And these last two show how much clipping i did on my SCH. They got a HUGE chop but looks like it will pay off in the long run.
Just feed everyone 5 minutes ago and everything looks good. Now I am having to water every 2-3 days with it mostly being every 2. Thats the main difference on these smart pots but I suspect its because the root mass is HUGE. I don't know what that mass will look like until harvest but I'm thinking that it is engulfing almost the whole 3 gallon pot. Also started germination on all 10 of my purple jems. Will update that as it goes.
alexus is a huge beast.... Just checked on my number 1 SCH Bambi Flame last night and she is already throwing out decent bud sites. I have a feeling she is going to get HUGE!!!!! I think I might end up harvesting Candy a few days early so that I can water cure that whole plant in order to have bud for a weekend convention I am going to. Alexus will be grown as far as I can because I can already tell those buds are going to be ROCK SOLID!
I have been super busy with work lately and have not updated at all..... I will take pics next watering to show. So far I went 10/10 on my PJ's all of them are above soil and doing great. I had plans to buy another led panel but got hit with a 1700 tax bill so that's on the back burner..... Can't wait to get that back in spades soon.
Here we go gents it was feeding time today and here is another update from the closet.
My BHD next to my really stretchy SCH which needed its own light for now so it got the 100w led.
Here are the other 3 SCH I left them in 3 gallon pots to try and keep them short which is working. They ended up producing tons of node sites with tight groupings.
Nothing crazy going on here just my PJ's at 1 week old. All 10 made the journey in tact with the exact germination methods used for quite a while so now I know its not my technique that was giving me trouble.
These are the up close shots to show you how massive my BHD Alexus is. I watered my BHD with plain tap today and will one more time in 3 days. Then they will not be fed until harvest which will be 4-5 days. The last 24-48hrs will be in darkness. I think I will be starting either some Onyx or some Mach 3 I'm not sure yet. I think I will do onyx and pull the onyx males for pollen along with the PJ's that I am collecting from as well. I thought about leaving all males in the red party cups but wondered if they would live and if this would mess anything up. Any input would be nice. BTW if Alexus isn't a nominee for photo of the month I will be disappointed...... LOOK AT THAT FROSTINESS!!!!!
lookin real nice there tshirt...are all of your SCH sprouting pistils?
reason i ask is that of my 3...1 is showing all over and looks like it could produce alot of bud, the really big one is only showing a few near the top on the main stem and the 3rd is showing a few on the side stalks although this one is a few weeks younger than the other 2
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