New Grower Trying to avoid noob mistakes

Dec 16, 2012
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Instead of diy most everything and create problems for myself and learn bad habits I saved up for a entry level setup. I'm gonna post what I'm getting and my basic game plan hoping someone can point out any mistakes before I hit the buy button.
4x2x5 vivosun tent fan and filter, fits my space
Megacrop nutes
Mephistos CDLC and sour livers, already have them
eBay themometer and hydrometer
Char coir coco
Small pots
Where I'm going to cheap out screw in LEDs i already have and a cheap pH pen and skip ec meter and weigh nutes till I can afford a decent one. I want bluelab and autocobs but I can do a run like this in the time my broke ass would have to save for them. I'm going for a wannabe slowandeasy grow so I will try to do what he does and hope for the best. I will also do auto feed like he does and save a few dollars in case I need a dehumidifier.
I'm looking for a source for char coir coco and recommendations on a pH pen.
Does this look ok for an entry-level setup? Anything I should do different?
4x2x5 vivosun tent fan and filter, fits my space
Does that mean you cannot go higher? I recently bought a 2x4 replacement tent that's 84" tall.

recommendations on a pH pen
I'm on the fence with ph pens. I've had expensive to cheap and find they start drifting after a year, year and a half or there abouts. Currently using an Apera PH 60. Be consistent with calibrating the pen. I never go longer than 1 month. I calibrated every two weeks for a long time, but have slipped to once a month.

If you will be using a timer, just be sure that it can handle the amps. Also you want your carbon filter cfm to be at the very least the same cfm as the fan or higher. You might want a fan speed controller.
Those screw in led light and someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but those won't deliver friend. U gotta have good lighting, good air flow, and good nutrients.
If you skip out on one by all means you may get something to smoke but you'll miss out.
I know being broke sucks and all, but from real life experience save your beans and your money. Get your basic setup up to par and then proceed.

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Thanks for the quick reply. Unfortunately I'm limited to 5 foot by where I can put it. I plan on growing smaller plants and lst to work around it. If the cheap pens work with calibration that is the way I want to go. It would save money now and I would like to learn how to take care of one before I invest 80+ in a good one even if I buy twice.
I agree with you toker. I am trying to only spend money on decent quality stuff that I will be able to use for a while. I think everything except lighting and the pH meter is decent. I already have the LEDs so I won't be wasting money there. I played with the LEDs some. Penetration and efficiency suck but if you get them closer than 6 inches they burn leaves. Yield and density will suffer kind of like blurple lights. Cob asap until then I think I would rather have everything else up to par and a small under lit plant while I wait, better than this schwag I'm smoking now.
Sound like a good plan. I started my first plant with T8 Floro's I had laying around and upgraded to autocobs when I could justify it. Screw in LED's would be better than the T8's I started with. :thumbsup:
you been hanging around from dec 12 like 2012 :hurry: just get stuck in and plant something :watering:anything and call it a test run till ya get the stuff ya want.worst can happen you get no buds :frowny: but maybe you havnt got any buds now :nono: what ya waiting on :footy:
if everything is peachy PH pen wont matter a jot :smoker: PH pen is number 1 tool in the garden if things go pear shaped :wall:
my first ph pen was yellow £4 special from a well known auction site.but a ph pen aint worth a jot if ya havnt got cal.4,7/storage/cleaning solutions and they can add up to £40.
started off ok but after 6 months i couldnt trust it,a year and calibrating it twice a week it was bonkers.only expensive ph pens last.
good luck n keep er lit.
For a long time outdoors was my only option. Got rid of the girlfriend and had a accident. Things change now indoors is my only option. I grew one as basically as a house plant. I made every mistake possible and still wound up with about 1 1/2 ounces.
I was trying to put a cab together for absolute bottom dollar when siowandeasy told me to quit being so cheap. Best advice so far. I saved to the point that only real weak links should be me and the lights. I'm going to run with it like this. I'll get lights asap and I will only improve with experience and listening to good advice.
Sorry my medicated mind was wandering. Let me get on topic. I'm overwhelmed with the amount of cheap pens on Amazon. I'm looking for a usable pen, calibration solution not packs to mix with water and a link to how to take care of the pen. I had no clue about cleaning and storage solutions. Trying to decide on pen is the only thing holding me back.
Thanks for the advice @archie gemmill and @Time.
I have Good pen now,i test every 2 weeks,but never need to adjust my feeds ph.hanna ph pen £70.
Not best advice but try without a ph pen to start with,might get lucky and not need it.