Indoor Trip's Perpetual LED Coco Grow

well @Fuggzy what i think my plan will be as far as grows will be these 7 i got going now and then the 3 from the fastbuds comp if i get selected and ill proly throw another bubba or c4 in with them 3 in an self feeding system (so i can go on a little Vacation with the old lady) to make 1 last "full" 4 plant run which should put me around sept to shut down shop for the holidays. im hoping to have a cpl pounds to sit on for the holidays to give out as presents and just share the wealth ya know?:pighug:
that small pony shit had me laughing so hard:crying:

Lol make a small pony sleep. Yes I am a fan of strong tincture. I make the green dragon using prime bud and using 10 grams per 2 oz instead of the recommended 4grams. The reason I make such strong batches is the everclear is not obtainable here, so I have to get friends to pick it up when in the states, so booze supply is limited. 2ml taken is quite strong. 3 ml dose is well intense enough for me!! Never done 4ml or need! You don't even have the desire to smoke on 3ml for multiple hours.
i dont think we would be doing any fishing and if we did catch one i donno if we could reel it in haha... im gonna check out the write up on the green dragon...:cheers:
Lol make a small pony sleep. Yes I am a fan of strong tincture. I make the green dragon using prime bud and using 10 grams per 2 oz instead of the recommended 4grams. The reason I make such strong batches is the everclear is not obtainable here, so I have to get friends to pick it up when in the states, so booze supply is limited. 2ml taken is quite strong. 3 ml dose is well intense enough for me!! Never done 4ml or need! You don't even have the desire to smoke on 3ml for multiple hours.

And what does it taste like?
@Fuggzy @tripaholic88 I really need to get on those tinctures! I make all kinds of tinctures already idk why I've never made one with pot! As far as edibles coconut oil is the best medium for THC extraction and versatility when cooking. I've done it multiple ways. Two best ways I've found is in a crock pot put water, oil, and herb in and let go for 8-12 hours stirring every so often and the other is to put same three ingredients in the pot on the stove top and summer for 3-4 hours. Can't say I really notice a difference except when it's on the stove I fuck with it more and it's quicker. Almost more time consuming bc I'm constantly adjusting heat and stirring and checking on it. The crock pot can be a set and forget style of doing it, but I always like to stir a few times. Then you just pop the oil and water into the fridge, oil hardens on the top and voila, keep oil discard nasty water. Good luck man! When I eat edibles I get shit faced off of marijuana lol! Like absolutely obliterated.
Nasty, nasty, nasty! Taken with ample water and chugging it, not bad. I started under the tongue straight, and quickly realized I am not man enough to be doing that every day. :D

LOL. Well, to be honest, I've NEVER heard anybody say that Green Dragon tastes good. I've made a number of different tinctures with various herbs and Everclear and none of them tasted good. In fact, I could hardly gag them down.

If I ever try to make a marijuana tincture, I think I'll try it with water-cured bud, 151 Rum and Honey. God willing, it'll taste better than the Everclear stuff.

But I should say that I'm not entirely certain that using 10 grams of bud to 2 oz. of alcohol would necessarily make a stronger tincture. Alcohol molecules can only "absorb" so much, and once the molecules have absorbed their limit, that's it. The tincture won't get any stronger. You could be wasting the additional bud you use. And by the same token, a tincture won't get any stronger because you let it infuse longer. The same rule applies. Once the alcohol molecules have absorbed all they can, the tincture won't get any stronger even if you let it infuse for weeks.
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LOL. Well, to be honest, I've NEVER heard anybody say that Green Dragon tastes good. I've made a number of different tinctures with various herbs and Everclear and none of them tasted good. In fact, I could hardly gag them down.

If I ever try to make a marijuana tincture, I think I'll try it with water-cured bud, 151 Rum and Honey. God willing, it'll taste better than the Everclear stuff.

But I should say that I'm not entirely certain that using 10 grams of bud to 2 oz. of alcohol would necessarily make a stronger tincture. Alcohol molecules can only "absorb" so much, and once the molecules have absorbed their limit, that's it. The tincture won't get any stronger. You could be wasting the additional bud you use. And by the same token, a tincture won't get any stronger because you let it infuse longer. The same rule applies. Once the alcohol molecules have absorbed all they can, the tincture won't get any stronger even if you let it infuse for weeks.

Oh really? Thanks for the info...I will have to do a comparison between stronger differed batches to see if I notice much of a difference. I did notice a difference for sure between the normal and the double batch. Now you have me wondering how much is enough, and how much is too much. I suppose it would all depend on how thc laden the pot is though right? Many variables!
Oh really? Thanks for the info...I will have to do a comparison between stronger differed batches to see if I notice much of a difference. I did notice a difference for sure between the normal and the double batch. Now you have me wondering how much is enough, and how much is too much. I suppose it would all depend on how thc laden the pot is though right? Many variables!

I don't know what the saturation point of alcohol is, I just know that there is one. That's one of the reasons I think a water cure would help; it would reduce the amount of chlorophyle in the pot, so that's one major "nasty" taste that wouldn't be there for the alcohol molecules to absorb. I'd so much rather the alcohol was absorbing THC and CBDs instead of chlorophyle.
@Fuggzy @tripaholic88 I really need to get on those tinctures! I make all kinds of tinctures already idk why I've never made one with pot! As far as edibles coconut oil is the best medium for THC extraction and versatility when cooking. I've done it multiple ways. Two best ways I've found is in a crock pot put water, oil, and herb in and let go for 8-12 hours stirring every so often and the other is to put same three ingredients in the pot on the stove top and summer for 3-4 hours. Can't say I really notice a difference except when it's on the stove I fuck with it more and it's quicker. Almost more time consuming bc I'm constantly adjusting heat and stirring and checking on it. The crock pot can be a set and forget style of doing it, but I always like to stir a few times. Then you just pop the oil and water into the fridge, oil hardens on the top and voila, keep oil discard nasty water. Good luck man! When I eat edibles I get shit faced off of marijuana lol! Like absolutely obliterated.
im guessing i put the herb in cheese cloth correct? and about what measurements would you recommend on everything? also im trying to keep track of dosage or concentration of my finished oil....
Idk I have read a lot of conflictig things on the internet that for me could only be settled by experience. I once read that a gram of dank per edible was sufficient, but I have found .5 to be plenty for myself, like to the point of being almost totally fucked. Then of course the best ones I made had about .1g in each so I was able to eat 3-5 which was nice bc they taste so good when you have to settle for just one and then you're high as balls, of course you want to eat more! You could just make half of them regular I suppose for munching purposes. With coconut oil you can weigh it first bc it's solid so weigh your amount of oil then weigh your herb and divide herb by oil and that'll be your concentration. I don't put my herb in cheesecloth before hand. The oil will float on top of the water. The herb will mostly float in that top later of oil so it is good to have it free because it forms a puck shape and gets completely covered by the oil. I imagine putting in cheese cloth first would make it a more spherical shape not allowing all the herb to be in contact with the oil. I just throw it in there free floating and strain with cheesecloth and a mesh strainer afterward. You need to put a lot of water in the pot compared to oil I'd say 4 parts water to 1 part oil. None of the THC will be lost to the water but the water will come out damn near black from all the other shit it pulls out of the herb. Then just strain, pop in fridge, seperation occurs, grab the solid disc of oil, discard water. The oil should be a beautiful light green!

Also you could melt the coconut oil before hand and use a measuring cup to determine volume and then do the weight of your herb by volume of coconut oil if you want.

Also I think it's fun that the container you refrigerate in will determine the shape of your oil! So it could look like a hockey puck once it hardens or it could look like a tortilla! If you use a square container you can make a cube or if you have a star container or something. One time I used a really wide and shallow dish and my oil was like the thinnest dough of a New York pizza. I would put a layer on my tongue and it would just melt away. It was so easy I would dose all day, no need to bake it into a snack!
Idk I have read a lot of conflictig things on the internet that for me could only be settled by experience. I once read that a gram of dank per edible was sufficient, but I have found .5 to be plenty for myself, like to the point of being almost totally fucked. Then of course the best ones I made had about .1g in each so I was able to eat 3-5 which was nice bc they taste so good when you have to settle for just one and then you're high as balls, of course you want to eat more! You could just make half of them regular I suppose for munching purposes. With coconut oil you can weigh it first bc it's solid so weigh your amount of oil then weigh your herb and divide herb by oil and that'll be your concentration. I don't put my herb in cheesecloth before hand. The oil will float on top of the water. The herb will mostly float in that top later of oil so it is good to have it free because it forms a puck shape and gets completely covered by the oil. I imagine putting in cheese cloth first would make it a more spherical shape not allowing all the herb to be in contact with the oil. I just throw it in there free floating and strain with cheesecloth and a mesh strainer afterward. You need to put a lot of water in the pot compared to oil I'd say 4 parts water to 1 part oil. None of the THC will be lost to the water but the water will come out damn near black from all the other shit it pulls out of the herb. Then just strain, pop in fridge, seperation occurs, grab the solid disc of oil, discard water. The oil should be a beautiful light green!

Also you could melt the coconut oil before hand and use a measuring cup to determine volume and then do the weight of your herb by volume of coconut oil if you want.

Also I think it's fun that the container you refrigerate in will determine the shape of your oil! So it could look like a hockey puck once it hardens or it could look like a tortilla! If you use a square container you can make a cube or if you have a star container or something. One time I used a really wide and shallow dish and my oil was like the thinnest dough of a New York pizza. I would put a layer on my tongue and it would just melt away. It was so easy I would dose all day, no need to bake it into a snack!
your tolerance i think is alot lower than mine i think... i dab concentrates all day... i proly go through 3.5 grams of BHO a week maybe 9 days MAX... a joint the width of my pinkey of flower to get a decent buzz and by half way through the joint i dont wanna smoke any more because im soo used to dabbing and vaping my nicotine that i BARELY EVER combust/smoke any plant material at all but i am gonna do the math for my dosage/ratio and give it a whirl! how much bud do you usually use per run?