t'anks mon! I'm not entirely sure yet, on topping,... it's do it soon or forget it time regardless! I hesitate because of that little nutritional stall-out they had,...and I kinda like to see how new strains build for me (an catch-22, since there are so many I want to try, repeats are uncommon!

Green Poison might be a good candidate though)... I'm a denial closet purist too?

--- that, and I have zero cloning skills/gear, and somehow I'd be sick at just tossing those fat tops away,... I will do branch bending for sure, and cleaning up lower larfy stuff,...
My sphincter is winkin' too, because that PTW is showing leaf deformation, something consistent, one set badly,..and the f'ing Bubblegum is malfunctioning! Damn lousy freebie,... figures! Sooo, I got some thinking to do,... I have no clue why I'm having such shit luck with the seedlings this season!

I'm kicking myself for not picking up more seeds, F1FV's,.. shoulda mootched a HBSS off of my mate Waxi too, that one , with her size propensity, might be a good candidate of OD's,... options... maybe a multi-pot of auto reg's? Haven't done that in a while,... I have 4 El Nino seeds that came from a single plant 3 years ago,...Hmmm,...