Indoor Trapper Vs Magic


Canna Engineer
Sep 11, 2013
Reaction score
Another Colorado Showdown things are getting fun around these parts:smokeout:
Enter the Matrix




RoninGarden: Sentinel (AvT x White Widow XXL)

Let's get it on!

Okay so I have to battle trappper then I can earn a shot at magic. Sounds good. Someday this year...
Good luck....shit, both more than luck on this round.
I habe my bread an wine....batlle away!
Alright, Alright, Alright! Let's Do this ;)





The Sour Straws and Grape Crinkle were about to surface this morning, and it looked like one of the Sentinels was working on it.

Gotta check in a bit...I've been installing a water pump and thermostat on a 30 year old truck all day ;)

Good Luck, My friend! This is gonna be a blast!
Hey @Trapper, this may be a dumb question, but what or those little pots you have there?

Root Riot germination cubes. :smoking:

next post of Ronin's you run across, he has a link in his sig for a great germination method utilizing these cubes.
I don't follow it exactly, I go from wi-fi straight to pot. So the empty trays are in the middle of the pot as space
keepers for the little cubes with the seedlings in them. a dash of Great White in the hole before dropping the
Root Riot cube, then kinda press the soil up against and slightly over it, then in the tent with a little propagation
dome (clear beverage cup with holes drilled in it for ventilation) I'll throw up some pics in the morning...

EDIT: ORRRRR, if you knew all that and were only asking about the plastic tray that was holding the cubes...
That's a little trick Ronin taught the first round complete with "grid tray" then cut it up into singles.

Cheers and welcome along ;)
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Root Riot germination cubes. :smoking:

next post of Ronin's you run across, he has a link in his sig for a great germination method utilizing these cubes.
I don't follow it exactly, I go from wi-fi straight to pot. So the empty trays are in the middle of the pot as space
keepers for the little cubes with the seedlings in them. a dash of Great White in the hole before dropping the
Root Riot cube, then kinda press the soil up against and slightly over it, then in the tent with a little propagation
dome (clear beverage cup with holes drilled in it for ventilation) I'll throw up some pics in the morning...

Cheers and welcome along ;)
Do u take Rhett littler plastic pots out when u put in the riots? Or riots directly into those pots? I've always sowed directly into the soil. Never used a cup of water, cubes, paper towel. Lol I've had almost 100% germ rate this way but I'm looking to get maybe a little extra umphh in the beginning of my grows....things are slow until around day ten. Sometimes sooner. But I don't have an exact method I use every time still lol. Sometimes I soak the whole pot. Sometimes just the middle. Haven't noticed a difference either way honestly. Same thing with feeding. I notice no difference feeding small amounts everyday as to soaking the whole pot each feed either to b honest....with or autos I don't think it matters though lol and it's takes a lot more girls to test these ideas next to each other. Like 5 each of the same strain.....after doing both style feeds I think I prefer soaking the pot good. I'm having great results this round doing it this way and it saves me a good chunk of time. As feeding twelve plants each day, all on different schedules, individually gets tiring and daunting. Now I'm finding I don't have to water everyday and I have nice looking plants I think....I'm super baked....sorry about the rambling trap....I don't even know where I was going or what I was talking about about them broncos? Lol