Transdermal Magnesium Guinea-pig thread.

I haven't experienced an Energy Up like jm..but I am getting very definitive Results.

I think
I'm getting my natrual energy back is all... I was a VERY high output person when i was 21 or 22... I could have sex all night, work all day, have sex all night work all day... on 2 hours sleep for weeks!!! The sex doesnt interest me much these days... but my focus is on intelligent stuff... not basic "urges" anymore.... thank god we grow out of that shit!!! :crying: I think of all the time I "wasted" on it.... and man... i couild be so mcuh better off! lol

the above paragraph makes sense... can you tie the BS in more for me?

:smokeit: :pass: good morning... sharing one with you mate/... :coffee: :coffee break:
Sorry to ask questions that I'm sure have already been answered, but before beginning a mag regiment, would I be best served by taking a week or so of pH readings to see if pH is the culprit?
Also, what is better absorbed, mag oil or mag spray?
Is there a cumulative nature to mag, where the dose can or should be reduced after a period of time, or does it find a natural balance with the calcium?

A pH less than 5.3 indicates an inability to assimilate vitamins or minerals. Due to the alkalinity of minerals, they loosen tumors, including fibroid tumors, endometriosis, cysts, moles, warts, skin tags, and other growths, and cause them to release their toxins. Magnesium should be used to buffer acid pH, not the calcium that is being leached from the bones.
it is always a good idea to check ph... ideally you wanna see 7.4 :pee:

magnesium oil and pray... are the same thing... it is distilled water mixed with MGCL+ crystals.. it looks clear like water... but is thicker... and is magnesium chloride in aqueous solution.

it should find a natural balance with the calcium... most people are deficient I would suspect... given modern diets.


see the reference section on it.

This should work for a spray solution ya think?

would I be best served by taking a week or so of pH readings to see if pH is the culprit?

Everyone with a PH meter would be Better Off taking their PH for a week...:coffee could predict years of heart ache from debilitating illnesses..and prevention is better than a Cure.

If someone has a PH of below around PH 7 they are not able to absorb ORAL supplements properly..

But..the magnesium SPRAY is transdermal..absorbed by the it will still Work if your PH is below par.

All of the homework I have read says it takes about 6 Months for your body to reabsorb enough.

Magnesium turns your B12 absorbtion back I'm Hoping that a Return of half moons on the nails of the chronic deficient people will be a Gauge to see how Full our Tank is...:coffee break:

If I See mine start to Return..I will let you know..:wiz:

Transdermal delivery of medicines is generally considered safer, more
efficient, convenient and less painful than injections or IV’s.

doctors and patients think of magnesium chloride as a medicine that can be
injected while you are having a heart attack and it does save the day for both
heart and stroke patients if used quickly enough. I first introduced “Magnesium
Oil” in my book Transdermal Magnesium
and have been astonished from the beginning of what a
wonderful thing this substance is and how it has benefited so many people.

What I have found is that magnesium chloride, applied transdermally, is the
ideal magnesium delivery system – with health benefits unequalled in the entire
world of medicine. Nothing short of a miracle is to be expected with increases
in the cellular levels of magnesium if those levels have been depleted. There is
no wonder drug that can claim, in the clear, what magnesium chloride can do.
Most people will show dramatic improvements in the state of their health when
they replete their magnesium levels in an effective manner.
When we first
started talking about the magnesium I was dying. I knew it inside. I am no
longer dying. I feel life in me. I am so happy.

With magnesium oil, the
concentrate can simply be applied to the skin or poured into bath water, and in
an instant we have a powerful medical treatment. Intensive transdermal and oral
magnesium therapy can be safely applied day in and day out for consistent health
benefits. Magnesium oil is nothing short of a miracle to a person deficient in
magnesium. So clear and observable are the effects that there is no mistake, no
mysticism, no false claim made.
There are not too many medicinal substances
or medicines that can make this claim. It should be noted that pain management
with magnesium employs magnesium oil applied transdermally to the skin. Dr.
Linda Rapson, who specializes in treating chronic pain, believes that about 70
per cent of her patients who complain of muscle pain, cramps and fatigue are
showing signs of magnesium deficiency. “Virtually all of them improve when I put
them on magnesium,” says Rapson, who runs a busy Toronto pain clinic. “It may
sound too good to be true, but it’s a fact.” She’s seen the mineral work in
those with fibromyalgia, migraines and constipation. “The scientific community
should take a good hard look at this.”[1]
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Your Fingernails Can Give You The Big Picture-As Far As Your Health Is Concerned

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Your fingernails tell a great deal about your overall health and well being. For example if you have rigid and vertical lines as well as the absense, or lack of milky white half moons beneath your nail beds. This can indicate a B-12 deficiencySource:
daft question - how do you check own ph ? pee ??
Yeah Nixx..pee in a pot and stick your PH meter in it..:coffee break:

You can also test your saliva..with PH paper..cheapest way if you don't have a PH meter..