Transdermal Magnesium Guinea-pig thread.

Well, I started my new mag regiment a few days ago with some good oral mag, and started using the Transdermal Mag Oil yesterday. I have to say the [FONT=&quot]transdermal oil works better on contact areas better for me than the very strong Canna rub that I have made.

Making a lifestyle change in our diets as well. Taking OL and many other supplements. PH level is good, but still feel like crap the last few days, with no energy. Moving forward with health supplements and dietary changes though. I think my body may very well just shedding a lot of toxins right now. Haven't seen the sun in a while here in the sticks. Waiting patiently for spring, so I can work outside in the sunshine.

Anyway, to reiterate, yes the Mag taken transdermaly DOES WORK for me!:thumbs:

:grin: 6.8
I feel like a little green amphibious monster! :woohoo:
A couple of questions:
I have my root oil made, ready to batch some rub this weekend. Has anyone tried peppermint oil in it? We wanted to use lavender, but :yoinks:, what the hell! do they have to heard all the lavenders into a barn at midnight and milk them individually? I have peppermint, lavender will have to wait until payday.
And for the mag oil; we have a saturated solution, has anyone tried to distill it down into an even stronger formula to add to the rub? Or would it even be worth the effort?
Hello Stick,

You will have your energy back soon, make sure you get the B-12, and I like the olive leaf for helping with energy (and other things), gives me more umph.


I have my root oil made, ready to batch some rub this weekend. Has anyone tried peppermint oil in it? We wanted to use lavender, but :yoinks:, what the hell! do they have to heard all the lavenders into a barn at midnight and milk them individually? I have peppermint, lavender will have to wait until payday.
And for the mag oil; we have a saturated solution, has anyone tried to distill it down into an even stronger formula to add to the rub? Or would it even be worth the effort?

Hi RR,
peppermint oil can cause skin irritation so you may want to go easy on it. As for distilling saturated mag oil the excess magnesium chloride will crystalize out as soon as it cools
peppermint oil can cause skin irritation so you may want to go easy on it
Thanks for the heads up, Brother! :tiphat: I used 5 drops in my mag bath last night, told the missus I'd rather hand out towels at a private bath house the to smell like a damn candy cane! :grin: It was soooo relaxing! The faint peppermint smell, combined with the mag, wow. We'll confine it to aroma therapy.
As for distilling saturated mag oil the excess magnesium chloride will crystalize out as soon as it cools
That's what I was afraid of, thanks for saving me the time and :stoneslap:
I wouldn't buy the oil, swampy. I've been using Ancient Minerals (not sure if it's the best brand or not?), but in flake form.
Way cheaper to make it this way! Just add water to say a cup of flakes. No more water than needed to dissolve while you stir. A great topical for joint and muscle pain, and a few cups of flakes in the tub.... :Mag soak: Damn!
Edit: I just bought 8 lbs of flakes for about $43. That's a lot of oil!!
BTW, pH meter is on it way (based on Aunty's Oakton review), and... AND...
my missus just had her first mag bath!! :woohoo:
She just poured herself on to the couch. "You see what I'm saying?" I asked.
Her reply: " Oh my God... Zzzzzzzz"
New convert!!! :grin: