Outdoor Trailanimal 2022

It was obvious SLAB would be running out of sunlit head room soon.....

Some high stress T.
WOW - what an amazing sight. Is this your full time abode? Do you use solar for everything? ooops, sorry to be nosey - but I am getting very much in to Off Grid cribs

Good luck with the grow, 90days - it really leaves very little room for maneuver

Take care
Cheers Z! I encourage everyone who is physically able to go get it on them.
Been living large for more than 30 yrs. Happy to answer your inquiries.
Solar turns the nut April thru Sept, when the sun shines:cool1: Wind can give significant inputs any time. Honda generator takes up the slack when needed to keep batteries charged.
The key to alternative energy in remote locations is to use way less:pass:
Cheers Z! I encourage everyone who is physically able to go get it on them.
Been living large for more than 30 yrs. Happy to answer your inquiries.
Solar turns the nut April thru Sept, when the sun shines:cool1: Wind can give significant inputs any time. Honda generator takes up the slack when needed to keep batteries charged.
The key to alternative energy in remote locations is to use way less:pass:
thanks - it is amazing how little can be used - when I first visited my tree house i made sure i had internet etc.. no I am happy with the running water and Sun for the solar. Still early days and in 'testing' but I love it. And thanks, for sure I will tap you up wth some questions, 30 years, I will absorb

thanks - it is amazing how little can be used - when I first visited my tree house i made sure i had internet etc.. no I am happy with the running water and Sun for the solar. Still early days and in 'testing' but I love it. And thanks, for sure I will tap you up wth some questions, 30 years, I will absorb

Spring scenes from a place beyond imagining.....
Putting a little wide on the vista.....
and normal perspective......to the south....

to the north....

Dogs and I trailed to the big cut bank to check break-up progress......

Some pooling of local melt, river ice holding fast.