Outdoor Trailanimal 2022

You had a nice haul this season.
Is it getting cold ?
How many more days before you start seeing snow do you think? :pass:
Not cold yet, slightly above freezing at night, 40 during day. Rain/snow is becoming more common, but as long as the overcast prevails at night we still can pump water to cabin. One clear night and no more running water and the sloughs and tundra freeze-up fast. The river is a different story. Once the temps are teens and colder river begins to freeze. Could take a couple of months for the ice to be safe for travel. Snow is in the forecast but the soil is still "warm", melt and be muddy.
Not cold yet, slightly above freezing at night, 40 during day. Rain/snow is becoming more common, but as long as the overcast prevails at night we still can pump water to cabin. One clear night and no more running water and the sloughs and tundra freeze-up fast. The river is a different story. Once the temps are teens and colder river begins to freeze. Could take a couple of months for the ice to be safe for travel. Snow is in the forecast but the soil is still "warm", melt and be muddy.
It's going to be cold up there quick for sure. :snow3:

It's amazing how fast the growing is up there in that climate. The genetics you're using are excellent for that climate they have really worked well.
I wonder what those genetics would do down here in my climate?:shrug::pass:
It's going to be cold up there quick for sure. :snow3:

It's amazing how fast the growing is up there in that climate. The genetics you're using are excellent for that climate they have really worked well.
I wonder what those genetics would do down here in my climate?:shrug::pass:
They would no doubt do better. None of them have been breed with extreme hardiness in mind. A real crap shoot, who knows what traits the deep helix holds.
That was short lived, lol. This morn was 15. Bam, end of running water season. Even though next few days will be warmer, no way the frozen water lines on the the frozen earth will thaw until next spring. Today I bucket water, with much smaller buckets than I've used in my painful past.:smoking:
That was short lived, lol. This morn was 15. Bam, end of running water season. Even though next few days will be warmer, no way the frozen water lines on the the frozen earth will thaw until next spring. Today I bucket water, with much smaller buckets than I've used in my painful past.:smoking:
You're a tougher man than me. I grow old and soft. :woohoo: