Hope you catch a plenty. I need to see if I can get my family out for a fishing trip even if it's just for the day.
fishing for your own tableHope to do some fishing soon, if I could get motivatedNot making any money at it this year but we do need to get some dried smoked canned etc.
This colorful season comes to an end almost as soon as it begins, the shortest of seasons. The understory colors first, as it withers the canopy maxes out. A big east wind will come ahead of a fall storm outta the Bering, leaves gone overnight! today's colors .......................View attachment 1097718
View attachment 1097719
the yellow leaf trail to the magical woods............................View attachment 1097720 .View attachment 1097721
Birch shroom, grows on dead birch trees, standing or fallen. I use these as mosquito smudge, not poisonous like store bought coils..... View attachment 1097723 Bright stars of the understory....Highbush Cranberry..........
View attachment 1097725 Dwarf Birch.....View attachment 1097728 Alaskan Spirea......View attachment 1097729
Blueberry.......................................View attachment 1097730 turning to the canopy.......................................................................View attachment 1097731 And back to tundra's edge.................................View attachment 1097735 View attachment 1097737 View attachment 1097738 View attachment 1097739 View attachment 1097740
I feel ya grobro, words just can't(...can...not....find.....wordz.....ppp)
The other types of trichomes located on stems, fans seem to carry different terpene profiles... I get that medicine aroma, smelled it before on a very weird pheno' of Flavor Grape photo' ( a 'Phisto play cross), her dried buds smelled like a sorta musty herb/spice cabinet,...Faced with the prospect of a week of BR weather
harvested Strain Hunter's Skunk D93, 60"..................................................View attachment 1095234 View attachment 1095235 View attachment 1095236 View attachment 1095237 View attachment 1095238 View attachment 1095239 Not as frosty as the hashy plants this season, but she's pack n the goods. Had to quick dry some....... potency will be there!:smoking: Strangest odor on weed I've encountered. While trimming I kept getting the smell of "medicine". Like I was a child again and in the doctor's office. Pretty disturbing! The buds don't have that smell, they have the aroma of a slightly sweet skunk. I'm hoping with cure she will give up more of a road kill stench. She's big! Top 1/2 of plant pretty well developed, lower has small stuff. Gonna be lots. I've always coveted the 1 Lb badge, this one may be close. Not airy buds! Or maybe I'm just delusional with gweed![]()
no bags, guess I might need some, WD definitely boosts the resin stash........View attachment 1095653
the 3 Magic Strains gave me 469 gs of high grade.
Harvest in, pressure's off
Nurple to jars @64 gs. Pretty sure she is headed to couch loc status, too early to be sure.
She was loudly grape candy! growing. Into the jars a loud and clear turpentine! Turpentine is one of my all time favs. This is the second one for me with this terp profile, Citrus Noir was the first.
cheers W!, no indication! Was all grape candy going into dry room. 100% turpentine into the jars! BLKMRR did a similar switcheroo. A very strong resiny funk turns to menthol! Like huffing Vicks, but very pleasant. Same scenario, was strongly one thing into dry, was strongly something else entirely into the jars.![]()
Best season indeed!
-- out-fuckin'-standing brother mine!
.... my bad, shoulda kept up better, two blinks and you done-done =
....little rewind here,....
I'ma make a mess here!
she went hydra-headed on you Trail, to good effect too! ...less mass in one bud, better mold resistance,... I had a Purple Trainwreck do this too... gawds the resin and the colors, I'm olfactory hallucinating grape stank now-
The other types of trichomes located on stems, fans seem to carry different terpene profiles... I get that medicine aroma, smelled it before on a very weird pheno' of Flavor Grape photo' ( a 'Phisto play cross), her dried buds smelled like a sorta musty herb/spice cabinet,...potent but much too odd for my likes! .............
wise call on taking her when you did, tempting fate can earn you a Mother Nature sized -
...... fingers crossed on the skunk coming out after cure! My Skunk Special is showing sweet early on here...
*clank* = fooock, just the 3?! BT, BKLMRR, WD right?
that is braggin' rights for all ya's! ...... My WD is looking much better after those couple sets of funky leaves, hoping she does her usual thing for me too!
holy crap, that's a diametric aroma shift man! Was there no hint at all of it live? .... ahhh, it was your CN that had that aroma in the general description! ... you know, I can see how, mine has that sharp pine, menthol/camphor mix in there....wouldn't take much tweaking to get turpy smells! ......... great shot of near dry on her Trail, super gummy looking-
ause: break time, BBL for chat about the nature tour!
Fishing for many is pure sport, not a necessity. Big reminder of the waning fair weather and the need to fill the larder to carry you through a long winter.time to get serious about fishing!