Trail, Bro great harvest hawl, and the outdoor girl, she really frosted up 
she must be 1 metre in height

Frost monster for sure! Bout 4' tall. Easy strain to grow! The one I harvested last month from the greenhouse curing up real strong. All that resin makes her a little hashy. Both plants started building frost early and had a heavy aroma all through the grow.Trail, Bro great harvest hawl, and the outdoor girl, she really frosted upshe must be 1 metre in height
HOLY SHIT!!!I sure did make some xtra work for me. BLKMRRR of the Garden has been ready to harvest for at least a week. I let her go, hoping for some fall foliage and a sexy pic for the Outdoor Comp. Last couple of days mostly rain. Up to the day before yesterday no BR. Showed up like the Barbarian Horde yesterday. Seems I spent most of the day going from plant to fire, back to plant. I had the plant in good defol shape so I could see em as they reared their ugly little brown eyes. Plant was big so lots of action during the day. Stopped raining with a nice west wind, and the sun came out in the evening. Plant was dry so I started to trim. Had really good light to begin with then went with a hyper bright LED headlamp when light got low. The LED really lights up their little varmint eyes, makes it easy to spot. Finished up it was pretty dark, musta been at least 1 am. At the very most lost an oz. Lesson learned...Crop before Comp!
BLKMRRR [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] harvested D91, 48"...........................................................................View attachment 1091805 . View attachment 1091820 View attachment 1091822 View attachment 1091825 View attachment 1091826 View attachment 1091827
Turned out to be a really good strain for me, my environment. Yeah, enticing aroma you can smell @distanceWell done Grow Bro, That outdoor looks amazing, Ya Gonna Bust My yield (even with the loss) Lol., but absolutely love this plant strain, and a funky smell to her, but a good funky smell.
What a haul!Super Skunk/SeedStockers.....into the jars 167 gs. Made a nice big bush topped. She was the trickiest to water early on, but, by mid stretch she was behaving like everyone else. Smaller buds than I'm used to seeing. Never did go full skunk. Floral & sweet to funky with a hint of burnt rubber.
test toke off the dry
good shit got me high
After cure I'm hoping she can do daytime. Skunks usually a good daytime for me.
Bud sticks before snip
View attachment 1092394
So far every plant harvested is really good @dry, bodes real well for killer out of cure. I think all the sun this season has been a potency boost. I can't remember a crop that has brought so much pain relief this early on!What a haul!You must be quite tired... and euphoric about this latest harvest. I think you have chopped and cleaned at least a plant a day for many days
. Sort of the grand finale of 2019? What better than a tester toke that gets you really high
You must be thrilled and relieved to have a great variety of meds to carry you and yours through the year.