Outdoor trailanimal 2019

:hump: :drool: :hump:-- for lack of an eye-humping emoji! Portal girls are lick-worthy my man, very nice run in those wee pots = :clapper: ...interesting, you got a green pheno' Amber, not common at all I believe? How's her aroma? I've not seen Blk. Ruby yet, do you know her lineage? It seems Stone went kinda nuts for bit and several limited crosses were made.... :wiz: :woody: = magic wand control issues! :rofl:
New stuff looks intriguing,.. Stone99, a natural progression! I'm betting this is HighRise's C99 once again- :thumbsup:... do you know if the V's are different pheno's, or filial gen's?
Binary is always a treat! Mystery... I wonder,... the Dudes hooked me up a while back, one was a BW x ?... :eyebrows: -- who knows with these guys, they are both stacked to their nipp's in the Goods!

.... Mmmm, table is nicely set in the greenhouse, Trail :headbang: .... Fingers crossed we get that stanky-stank from our respective Skunks! .... BMR will be fun to see at finish, aromatics from the BW parent will spin the wheel of aroma wildly I suspect,... my BW's were alike in appearance only, totally different aromas with full cure... I'm dying to drop the entire stash I have of their genetics! :hothot: :rofl: