New Grower topping or Fim help . . . .

I believe it allows the tips of the lower branches to get more light causing them to grow faster and become 'tops' ... It also slows the upward growth of the center cola for the period when the leaves are lifted, allowing the side branches to catch up or get ahead ... Pretty much the same results as Fimming or Topping but less stress on the plant ... Now a days I normally 'pony tail' a plant 3-4 times @ 3-6 hrs each time ... The results can be seen rather quickly ... Since trying it the first time I haven't grown a plant that I haven't done it to in quite a while so I all I can say is it works for me ...
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thanks for posting picture of the ponytailing,, I was wondering exactly what that was.
Unfortunatly, I waited way too long to any LST. I can barely find the smaller growth amoungst all the big leaves. I have bent some leaves, and some broke (oops.) but the good news is I still have 4 more of each strain to grow out (3 are now germinated and getting their second set of leaves after only 4 days!!!) so I can improve the next batch. After those three, I am going to grow 3 at a time of one strain, and do something different to each one to see which techniques work and do not. Once all my autos are done I am going to try a photo so I can prune and clip and top and all that fun stuff. NOT doing anything to these plants is killing me. LOL. I am hoping to post some pics on the weekend.
Hello everyone , just been researching into topping my plant or fimming her.
So this is what i have concluded

Topping : is cutting of the new growth at the top of the stem completely removing the node allowing 2 new ones to grow .

Fim :is when you cutt 80% of the new growth leaving the base of the node and stem , apparently this can allow for 4 new ones to grow.

here is a photo i made of my girl
View attachment 412748

Can someone please let me know if i am correct , before i go chopping my new growth
what up bigblaze? if you want to fim than bring your fim line in photo down to where the leaf stem turns into fingers on back of leaf.right below the top of the topping circle. I just fim'd my blue auto mazar. I will post pics of it in the bam slam thread soon. hope this helps. peace
check these out bigblaze. the earlier you do it the better. the smaller amount cut off means less ( if any ) stress. IMO! as you can see what I cut off is smaller than a match head. this is FIM not TOP.


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thanks for all the awesome replies all . ill be trying some ideas tomorrow morning . ill post pics of what i do :hump:
Im scared to do any kind of training to my auto. Its my first auto grow so a part of me wants to just let it grow normal. But the photo period side of me wants to train it at least LST.

Anyone have any experience training their autos?
Don't be! I have started using supercropping. It seems to work very very well. Before I saw the result on my experiment plant, just thinking of training scared me and gave me nightmares.

Here is Miss Supercropped. I do my experiements on her. She is developmentally challenged, but growth exploded after supercropping. She is tied down, coz she wants to raise her back again. She never displayed signs of negative stress.
