Indoor Tobe's test and breeding ground

El Fuego del Shiva x Orange Assault f1 on the right , MoB on the left

Edf x OA main top shots

Early Grape

Test area with different strains

Orange Assault f6





List of test crosse's all pollinate with the best Orange Assault f6 male

Early Grape
Gelato 41
Purple peyote cookies
Girl scout cookies
Sweet cherry pie
Wedding cake
Sleepy Joe

We will see what we got till they grown out , my main interest got the MoB, Mac1 and Early Grape cross. I got the feeling that these crosse's will carry some killer phenos .

Than there are some seeds new in the dirt.
TomHill haze x (bigbud x auto White widow)
My friend selected the best haze male and pollinate the bigbud x auto White widow from female seeds. I do the selection over 3 generations and take them to full auto. In this round we will make f4 seeds selected for the haze phenotype. The next step would be a bx with the TomHill haze male, or we go a other way with the Original Haze or a nice landrace maybe a Thai or Colombian sativa we will see....
:goodluck: brother!! Hope you get loads of seeds. Then the fun begins...Grow lot's of them. Pick and choose, rinse and repeat until stable :d5:
For sure we will do, but the current projects need their space, some of our crew grow a few seeds from the test crosse's and we chose what will be the best for a serious breeding project. At the moment our main focus are on these crosse's
El Fuego del Shiva x Orange Assault
Peyote cookies x Orange Assault
TomHill haze x (bigbud x auto White widow)
Hi friends little update to the f1 grow of the peyote cookies x Orange Assault

Three phenotype were present, number #24, #21,#3 on the female side, on the male side we only used the number #5 the other didn't got what we are looking for.
Let's start with


Nr. #3
started early in flower, stretch was medium, smell in grow sour citrus, bud smell sour grapefruit, bud structure a bit softer than the peyote cookies buds , the high was more couch lock, the smoke sour grape light cake note.


Nr. #21
latest start in flower from all three girls, more stretch, smell sweet Orange light PC, bud structure more soft closer to the Orange Assault , the high medium couch lock it feels like someone push you light in the couch a nice balance high ...i like it, the smoke more Orange but the cookie side is still present.


Nr. #24
Was not so fast in flower like the 3 but faster than the 21 , middle stretch (that's what we need for our rooms) , smell like a soft cake, bud structure rock hard like the PC, the high is more a active high and it's a focus strain for the day, the smoke soft PC light orange